Obscure is looking to recruit for Battle for Azeroth! We don't expect you to join without knowing a little about us. So here we go!
Our guild was created in WotLK to create a stress-free raid environment that still looked to progress. We have successfully been achieving that goal for several expansions now! We strive to just have a good time and form friendships. Many of us have been raiding together since the beginning. We like to have a good time and have fun. We are not at the cutting edge when it comes to raiding, but Mythic does interest us if we have the raiders for it.
Our Current Progress:
Normal - 8/8
Heroic - 8/8
Mythic - 1/8
Our Needs:
Looking for characters with tank off specs and mages! Currently running into issues if a tank needs the night off. If you are looking for a place to hang out in BfA to raid, talk, or otherwise mess around, we just might be the guild for you!
Raid Times:
Core Group
Wednesday - 8pm-11pm CST
Friday - 8pm-11pm CST
Secondary Group
Sunday - 6pm-10pm CST
Please respond here or message me in game at Ickis, or Crono#1927 for more information! Other officers are available for questions at Auntmartha, Boinkusan, or Redxthred. Thanks for taking your time to read our post!
1 Like
You guys still recruiting?
Yes, we are. I added you. Will hit you up when I see you on.
Hey man, im interested. Add me Johwya#1707
Interested in a boomie/resto druid?
Just send me a message in-game.
Rogue/Ele Sham still looking for legion progression. Do you guys still have spots to fill?
Yes, we are. Preferably ranged at this point, but either is fine. Contact me in-game.
We're still looking for some ranged dps, preferably non-warlock!
08/25/2016 06:13 AMPosted by VaelforWe're still looking for some ranged dps, preferably non-warlock!
I sent you a request through battle.net as well as though the guild finder =D
If you are still recruiting, 10 year vet Mage
Very interested if you are still accepting casual members. Mostly play my mage, resto/ele shaman, or prot pally.
To echo the poster above, taking casual members? Looking for a guild to just hang around with and run the occasional 5 man. Can't commit to raiding and wouldn't want to bog anyone down with my fickle schedule.
09/06/2016 08:55 AMPosted by GrimskullTo echo the poster above, taking casual members? Looking for a guild to just hang around with and run the occasional 5 man. Can't commit to raiding and wouldn't want to bog anyone down with my fickle schedule.
Joined the same day as my post :). Great group to game with and there is always people online.
09/06/2016 08:55 AMPosted by GrimskullTo echo the poster above, taking casual members? Looking for a guild to just hang around with and run the occasional 5 man. Can't commit to raiding and wouldn't want to bog anyone down with my fickle schedule.
Hey Grim. We definitely always are. Feel free to whisper me in game on Vaelfor or Thessalhydra or just add me on battle.net at Crono#1927. I look forward to hearing from you!
Hey, I am very close to hitting 110, and and being able to start progressing on legion. I do need a guild however, so if you could add me and whenever I see you on, ill message you. Thanks a lot.
Bumpity! Yay Legion raiding!
Bump for 6/7heroic
Still needing some healers!
Interested in a Disc Priest? 842 Ilvl at the moment.