@Dangermouse - It has been a pleasure!! We have gotten some AMAZING recruits that have been added to our family. I look forward to seeing more and more new faces!!!
These guys are amazing if you are looking for a home even as a social we welcome you to our ranks. <3
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Our expansion has been magnificent so far! Still need raider spots filled, especially for healers!
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Had some great additions to the guild!! Also remember SOCIALS are welcome!! We are great family of folks.
Grats to all our 35-50s everyone now has the mallets for ZF / Sunken Temple eggs and will be getting for those come up behind them in level soon. Great turn out and lots of fun this evening as usual. Its been a place going out in our groups to make sure everyone has attunements done.
Want to welcome our new comers and hope to hear from some more soon. – WE NEED HEALERS!
I will also be out of game / discord for the next week. Please do a /who Team Redundancy Team if you would like to talk to someone about joining!!! Any officer can help you out . We normally have 4-5 on at time.
I should be back roughly 10/22 if not before!
Thank you for all the hard work on our recruitment! Safe travels and see you soon!
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Are you guys still looking for hunters? I’m a lvl 44 hunter with a lot of hardcore raiding experience. I’d be interested in talking more about the guild if you have hunter spots. You can find out more about me in this looking for guild post I made before classic came out.
Ya’ll nerds but you’re awesome
We’re still in need of healers and dps that are looking for a home for their vanilla experience! It’s a great environment, the community is growing quickly, and we have the best memes. Reach out to Dangermouse#4231 or Psyche#1479 on bnet to set up a time to chat!
Just reviewed our raiding outlook and raid makeup
We are looking to start raiding mid-November and the following classes are still open for recruitment
Warlocks (high demand)
Priest (medium demand)
Mages (medium demand)
Rogues (low demand)
We have a on Sunday at 8pm CST. Drop in and see what we are about.
I find the community intriguing. The conversations we have are quite deep and thought provoking.
Definitely enjoying the Guild runs for dungeons, consistently smooth runs
We are still recruiting - was gone during a move but nice to see some new members have joined while I been away!!!
Looking for Warlocks and Healers mostly at this point!!! - Raid starting 11/17 !!!
Raiding tomorrow. Will have a couple open spots for trials. Will have a fair roll system in place for non-guild. If you’d like to see chaos, hit me up in discord (Name in OP)
Still looking for Warlocks? I’m a transplant from a PVP server in disarray (2 60’s currently on that server) that recently started a Warlock. I’d be a little ways off from 60 but would definitely be interested once I am.
Really enjoying all the guild groups and raids. Definitely having a blast
We are currently Seeking Priests and DPS for raiding. If interested Please contact me via my Battle Tag (Bladeriker#1713). We are Currently 4/10 MC
6/10 in MC. Hoping to be 10/10 this Sunday.
Update dude we are now 10/10 in MC and 1/1 Ony as of two weeks ago. Still have 2 priest spots open 2 locks and one resto druid spot