H-[Mal'Ganis] 5/10M 10/10H <Snacks> T/W 6hr/Week guild LF a healer!

Come join the coolest healing team out there! :sunglasses:

Bump good evening everyone! Still looking for another awesome healer!

Bump We still need 1 amazing healer to join our core :smiley:

bump Reach out to me if we interest you! Looking for a disc priest with previous mythic experience wanting to raid mythic CN!

bump Still searching an exceptional disc priest that can use spirit shell :joy:. Looking for any rdps (especially lock), and a warrior as well (tank or dps acceptable).

Bump To the top we go to find you! :slight_smile:

Bump We’ve found a tank! Just need a disc priest, could this be you? :slight_smile: Also interested in recruiting a boomy. Reach out!


good morning BUMP! How’s it going?

Bump looking for that healer still. Restore shaman/hpal/disc priest hit me up!

Whats ur raid times and any interest in locks ?

bump Looking for a god arms warrior :smiley:

Snacks Looking for a Prot/Arms warrior for mythic progression!

Still looking for an arms or prot warrior for mythic progression! We need your buff :muscle:

Bump it up Warriors? :wink:

Looking for a warrior and exceptional RDPS!

up to the top, looking for warrior dps and exceptional rdps (Lock, boomie, hunter, etc)

Xy’mox was at 16%! Maybe kill tonight?? :smiley:

Bump Looking for exceptional rdps and a warrior!

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bump bump**bump bump UP THE JAMS.