Hey there folks!
I returned to WoW shortly after this new expac dropped and I’m looking for a guild to call home. I’m mainly looking for a casual, social PvE guild that enjoys running content together. I’m wanting to find the type of guild that creates and runs events together and care about fostering friendships with one another.
I don’t actively RP, but I’d like to eventually learn.
The social aspect is a must! In game chat and/or Discord needs to be active.
If you think your guild might be a good fit, please leave a reply here and feel free to ask any questions. You can also reach out to me via Discord:
Thank you for taking the time to read!
[I play Alliance on Moon Guard and Horde on WRA. I made an identical post on the MG Forums for an alliance guild but have not found anything yet.]
There are lots of Horde PVE guilds who advertise here and on Trade in-game. I’m sure you’ll find a guild to suit you 
There is also the Wyrmrest Community Project which has a ton of guilds and people there to ask around and see what aligns with your interests!
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Thanks for the tip, I will try on there as well. I seem to not have much luck on Horde or Alliance side thus far.
Good morning. Our guild is called Synchronicity. We are a group of older aged wow players. Average age 40 with some a bit younger and some a bit older. We dabble in a bit of everything. We raid,do mythic+,we have mount collectors, toy collectors, achievement hunters,altoholics, and do anything to help what people want to do. It is a fun place to call home. Our guild does not RP but there are alot of events on Wrymrest for people to go enjoy. I really wish you luck in finding what you are searching for.
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Hi there! Violet Vanguard might have what you’re looking for. We are a cross-faction guild (same name on WrA-H and MG-A) with a welcoming, easy-going roster of players interested in PvE and RP.
Here’s our form post: [H/A RP-PVE] Violet Vanguard Recruiting for Dragonflight! - Wyrmrest Accord - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Hope you find the guild for you!
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