[H] Illidan <Secret Door> Heroic Raid/M+

[H] Illidan < Secret Door >
Raid Days: Tues/Thurs
Raid Times: 9pm-12 ET

About Us:
We are a Heroic raiding guild - we occasionally dabble in a couple of mythic bosses if we have the roster. The core of the guild has been together since the end of WoD. We had a server xfer in the middle of BfA from Alliance to Horde. Sylvannas AotC was a bit rough, but otherwise we usually get AotC in a reasonable time frame (AotC in every raid since/including Legion). Can’t guarantee any Mythic raiding, but AotC is always on the table/expected.

We also run a ton of M+. Non-raid nights are usually pretty active for M+. Occasional pvp happens if people want, but it’s not a focus.

Most of us are in our mid 20s-early 30s, we like to play the game, but we also realize that sometimes life things happen (work, family, etc). While we do need our tanks/healers to have good attendance, as long as you keep us in the loop we have no problems with players being absent or late. We are not PC and have a very active/goofy discord. No one is mean, nothing is PC, and nearly everything is a joke - if you’re easily offended then we’re not the place for you. We’re all here to have some fun killing pixel monsters and stay in touch in this era of social distancing shenanigans. We do meet up IRL when we can as many of us are located in the NE region of the US, but we have plenty of west coasters too.

We took a break after getting AotC on Sylvannas (we often take a short break after getting AotC if the tier is slow/boring) and are getting ready to swing into gear for 9.2. A few people have decided to change their mains for 9.2, or can’t fully commit to raid due to RL, so we need to fill a few places on the roster.

In Summary what you get from us:

  • Heroic Raiding (+AotC)
  • Active M+ community
  • Silly/goofy discord

What we’re looking for:

  • 1-2 Healers - MW Monk, H or D Priest, or possibly H Pally
  • 1 Tank - anything not a DK (nothing against them, but we already have one)
  • DPS - spriest, warrior, boomkin, DH, Ret Pally, Enh Shammy

We are pretty full on Rogues and Mages at this time, but other classes are still welcome to reach out if you think we might be a good home for you - the classes listed above are just what we especially would like/are missing in our raid and would like to prioritize.

Please reach out to my Discord: Anda#0691