My guild recently fell apart and I’m looking for a new home on Illidan! Only recently started raiding more seriously on ele sham (was previously pure tank main) but have mostly orange/pink parses despite not having all optimal raid legendaries maxed. I can only raid Tuesday+Thursday, and I don’t want a guild that is doing less than 3/10M. I have experience progging on remnant and soulrender. I was 7/10M (10% on sludgefist before guild went on break) tanking in CN.
My 2 chars atm are:
ilvl 250 ele sham 3/10M 2223 io
ilvl 251 guardian druid 3/10M 2384 io (all +20s timed)
I don’t want to server or faction transfer so please don’t ask!
Check the logs of my chars at:
Ele sham: Flubbed-Illidan
Guardian Druid: Frond-Illidan
Please reply to this thread if your guild has a spot for me! Preferably tonight!
Also, please no super edgy/racist guilds. I shouldn’t have to say that but I really do :\