Casual Damage is looking for more skilled players for our mythic raid progression. We have lots of current players with mythic raid experience who enjoy a more laid back guild that only raids twice a week. Outside of raid, we have MANY key pushers and casual pvpers.
Our Raid Nights are: Weds/Thurs from 6-830pm PST (9-1130 EST) for mythic progression and Fri/Sat nights starting at 7pm PST for heroic. We are currently 5/10M and 10/10 Heroic. Starting Painsmith Soon.
We have an immediate NEED for Heals and DPS. Any exceptional players with mythic experience welcome to apply, as we are always looking for team oriented members to fill out our roster. Please do inquire if you have mythic experience looking for a new home.
Please reach out to any of the officers in game or MagicPants#179785, outside of the game, for more info.
We also have RBGS on saturdays would love more to join the fun!!
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4/10 now on Mythic woot woot come join the crazy train
Ok so we are all not crazy just 99.99% of us are muahahaha.
Pink Party Hats to everyone who joins! Who doesn’t love a pink party hat!?! Remnant going down this next week. Had a great night on prog night. Need heals!
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easily going DOWN this up coming week!!! Come Join the crazy Train!!
Looking for awesome heals to come join!!
Sent a request!
Looking forward to chatting! I’m a bit of an Enhancement Shaman! 
who did u send request to? would love to chat 
We also love pushing keys! We’re always happy to chat
I reached out to MagicPants#17978! The friend request is still pending it seems…
thats me i never recieved it. MagicPants#179785 there was a 5 missing
Still looking for more peeps! Hope to hear from some folks looking for new home for 9.1.5!
3/10 M ele sham, atm guild stopped raiding weeks ago and i am looking for a new place add me and lets chat pls Jagerbro#1331 ! hope to hear from you soon
Sounds great there jager! Hit up MagicPants#179785 for more info good sir!
OG post has been updated with correct contact for more info =D
5/10M and taking names!!, come be apart of the crazy train 
add me to btag and we can chat
look forward to talk with you