250 ilevel Holy priest and 249 Havoc DH looking for a guild

Hi there, our current guild status is up in the air, so we’re looking to see what’s out there! We are a holy priest and DH pair looking for a mythic guild.

We have done through 4/10 M in SoD and 5/10M in CN. We are currently on Zul’jin but open to transferring.

Priest: https://www. warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/auraelia

DH: https://www. warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/yeahbuddÿ#

We’re also active M+ with IO’s around 2400, so an active M+ community is a plus. If you think we might be a good fit for your guild, please reach out!

Discord: Aurelia#1168 Bnet: Aurelia#1602

Name: The Chub Club
Realm: Thrall
Progression: 10/10H 4/10M 25% on SoulRender
Schedule: Sunday/Monday 8:30PM-11:30PM CST
History: Former CE, Former US-100 Leads/Raiders
Goal: Build a casual 2 Day - Aotc 100% anything is a bonus.
About We are a community guild now that is just looking to have fun and kill bosses while helping people get better at the game. We have alot of good raiders that leave the egos at the door.
Perks: Off Night Raids, lots of KSMs, PvP, streamer support

Holy/Ret Pally(High)
Disc/Holy Priest(High)
Open to All Dps if they can keep up

Any Geared, Heroic ready DPS or Healers

*To Join, Send me a Discord DM MiniSoda#4635 Bnet - MiniSoda#11866

Have you ever considered - 1 Night - Mythic Raiding!

OUR GUILD: Envelop
OUR TEAM: Free Repairs
WE ARE: Horde
WE’RE ON: US - Illidan


from 7 to 11pm CT

PROGRESSION: (At the time of this post)

5/10 M (Painsmith @ 36% ~99 pulls)

Anyone who can play their class to the best of their abilities.


  • Warlock
  • Priest
  • Shaman
  • Monk
  • Druid
  • Hunter


  • Priest (Holy or Disc)
  • Holy Paladin

We are open to other classes/specs given the right performance.


The Free Repairs team in Envelop was formed at the start of Shadowlands with only one goal – clearing as much content as possible, all in one night. Because of our one night schedule, we appeal to many diverse individuals. Whether it’s your job or your spouse that won’t allow a multi-night raiding schedule anymore, we’ve got you covered.

All players who apply should understand, just as many other mythic teams - we have a roster of more than 20 raiders. This implies that you may not be brought to each and every pull on progression. We will always bring the best available composition/players so we can have the highest chance of success.



Hi there, would love to have u two! Please see the post below and inquire within…

might be able to use you guys on hoodslam

Unprotected Hex was formed the 2nd week of January 2021 after getting a late start in mythic we still were able to attain CE US 590. During CN we became a multi raid team guild with setting our goals to be Cutting Edge by the end of the tier and each subsequent tier, faster than the last. Each team strives to play the best they can and utilizing all available prep and working as efficiently as possible.

Join our discord to apply & learn more about us discord.gg/unprotectedhex


Unprotected Hex 9/10M 10/10H SOD 10/10M CN
T/W/Thurs 10:45PM-2AM(EST)

Recruiting: Holy Pal, Disc Priest, Resto Sham, Unholy DK, Shadow Priest, Enhance Sham

Team Hoodslam 5/10M 10/10H SOD 9/10M CN
Tuesday / Thursday 10pm-1am EST (Adding Wednesdays for 2 weeks mythic tier)

Recruiting: WW Monk, Mage, Exceptional DPS considered

Hexual Healing 5/10M 10/10H SOD 8/10M CN
**Friday / Saturday 9pm - 1am (EST) **

Recruiting: Arms War, Disc Priest, Resto Druid, Resto Sham

The​ ​Idea

The idea of efficient raiding, instead of bulk raiding to down content. It has been done before, but we intend to do it better. We intend to build more than a WoW raiding guild, we’re building a community. We are very active on and off of raid times, and due to our easy schedule, we have time to play and organize other events and games outside of WoW.


We enjoy the environment we’re building, and the people we are building it with. As a guild, our goal is to down content – but enjoy this game in a way we haven’t in a long time. There will be no screaming, scolding, or calling out. The best way to describe our raid environment is proactive and communicative. We will discuss issues, mechanics, strategies, and mistakes openly to curb them and move on. We will go back to a log or video and discussed what happened on walls.

You must respect your fellow raiders here even on other teams and absolutely no racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, ageism, harassment, etc