[H] <How Long On Brez> on Mal'ganis - FRI & SAT 11:00PM-1:30AM PST

Bump! Ra-den Dead! :o

Bumping it! Please apply if interested!

bump for more extreme late night friends :slight_smile:

Bumps . Come join us !

Hey I’m a returning player looking for a raid team and people to do mythic+ in preparation for Shadowlands. Main goals are to go through the raid content (Heroic AotC and mythic when ready) and run Mythic+ dungeons. Not looking for anything super hardcore (I’ve done that in the past). I’m a Dad and have a demanding job and would love to find other people with similar circumstances and expectations. Have fun and see the content. Shadowlands is looking great so I’d love to have a solid group of people going into that expansion.

I’m planning to main Blood DK in Shadowlands but I also have prot warrior and prot paladin that I keep up and an ele shaman that is typically my go to alt. I love playing all four of those classes and I especially enjoy tanking.

Also, 11pm to 2am PST are my prime times for raiding and Mythic+. But I’m also on and off during the day for questing and other solo play.

Let me know if you are interested in new recruits. Open to faction/server transfer as needed.

Bumps for Shadowlands, we are opening up recruitment again! Please reach out to us if interested! We have a two weeks trial period for newcomers who want to become raiders :slight_smile:

Sent a request, interested in joining your guild
bnet zquestion #1388

We are opening recruitment for range dps! Please apply :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for your careful consideration.

Bump, quick up date on key points:
LF a possible tank, only accepting
Unholy Death knights,
Resto Shaman,
Holy Priest,
and of course socials are welcomed for community.

Bumps for the week! Holla’!!
We are close to our first AoTC kill! We will be heading to Mythic Castle soon and we are looking for one more range dps, preferably Boomkin! Please contact our leadership for more details and an interview :slight_smile:

Bumps! We are looking for a Vengeance Demon Hunter and Boomkin for Mythic Progression! Please apply and contact our leadership. Thanks :slight_smile:

Bumping it up!

to the top! more tacos for me!

need more tacos! and ranged friends / tank!

what Cithi said!

looking for more ranged friends! and a tank!