[H] Holy Paladin LF Mythic Guild

Hi folks,

Kyrian Holy Paladin here looking for a mythic raid guild for Shadowlands. Vanilla player with many years of raid experience as both tank and healer (prefer healer atm but can tank on the fly, particularly for M+). Currently level 60, ilevel 190. I’m EST and so prefer a guild that raids starting around 3-6pm server time and finishes around 9-10pm server time, so I’m not raiding until 2am hehe. I also tend to like smaller guilds that don’t have hundreds of members, with a healthy sense of humour but nothing super crude or discriminatory. Feel free to reach out with DM here and I’m open to trial runs of mythic dungeons or whatever, since I didn’t play BFA and don’t have raid logs.

Also quick note concerning RP, I don’t actively engage too often (I’m more of a wallflower) but I still like RPers and think it would be fun to be in a guild that both raids and RPs.

Have fun!

You sound like someone we would love to add to our guild. I’m gonna link our guild thread, give it a read, and if you like, buzz one of us. :grin:


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Thanks for the link! I did check you folks out before and the guild looks good, but I’m not sure if I can make Saturday raids. :frowning:

Will reach out if things change though.

No problem. We’re always around.

Hello! My guild, Usurper is looking to make the transition to Cutting Edge. We formed late in 8.3 in prep for Shadowlands. We started with mostly new players, who wanted to raid, and we quickly earned AOTC once we filled our roster. Currently trying to get to 20 members and could really use a pally healer like yourself! We raid Tues/Wed 6pm-9pm PST.

Here is the link to our forum add for more info. <Usurper> 10/10 H | Recruiting for Mythic!
