Again you are showing your true colors look how defensive you just got. I am really sad you turned out the way you did. Welp, either way see ya Bah I wish you luck and please keep telling yourself these lies lol if it makes you feel better. With that said, have a great day
HAHAHA Dude!!! Bahmung what are you talking about??? You literally used to be called the guild drunk because of how many times you were in discord white girl wasted!!!
I dont typically post on the forums, and this post may piss the GM off but I am gonna speak my piece as an RBG lead, and the most active lead in the guild ATM.
There are MULTIPLE ways to be involved with the guild. There are RBGs posted Weekly on the in game calendar, and in the discord events tab. There are random groups forming all the time in Gchat. There is the Cross Realm community tab you can also check for groups forming.
I run 0CR to 1400 groups almost every week, sometimes multiple days a week. I run 1600 Cr and up and 1800 Cr and up randomly depending on who needs vaults ect.
The 100% best way to be involved is just get into discord and hang out talk with members. 60% of the time the groups I form are because I am talking to someone and they are like. “Damn I need 100 more pts to 1800” I am usually all down for tossing something together to push the last 100. That’s my jam.
Here is the deal though, joining the guild and posting a couple time in chat the getting upset and Gquiting is kind of the epitome of dumb. Most of us in discord, hardly watch Gchat because we are busy doing other things. Discord is where things tend to start.
If your not interacting with the guild, not talking to members, why would you expect folks to go out their way to pick you up?
Like i said they are on the calendar, they are in discord, they are in gchat randomly.
If you are having a hard time finding a group start your own, thats the beautiful thing about being an RBG leader, even if your a weird offspec meme, you get to do that because you had the balls to get a group together.
There are few leaders in this game and dozens of followers, become a leader.
As far a Bahmung, I remember you and I have taken you in multiple groups on all my different chars, except my paladin. You can’t say you weren’t given a fair shake. I am not in the business of carrying. I do expect members to know how to base sit, how to flag spin, and follow directions.
I offer PLENTY of rbg 101 type help often posted on the guild calendar. No one takes me up on it. So people do suffer the consequences of their own actions.
Mistakes happen, multiple sap caps indicate a lack of game knowledge.
I been in 2 RBGs since joining. Again, cover it up. Apparently, I’m not only one saying this. Keep living your own realities. It is fun seeing bunch of pretenders defending nonsense. I watch you attack old members like this and Leo keeps using same tactics. I love it. They were so right about this guild.
Enjoy your elitist guild, may it fall hard.
<3 Much love to you as well Bahmung it will be ok. Take care bud!!!
At some point people need to be accountable for themselves. We have pre-scheduled RBGs on the calendar that any guild member can sign up for, we have a discord with channels dedicated to people asking for help/questions about their classes that get a lot of use, we have LFG channels if someone is having trouble finding teams/groups for pvp, we have sometimes 3+ guild groups running rbgs at the same time in discord that filled just by asking in gchat if anyone wants to play.
I apologize that any help you were looking for went unanswered, I assure you that’s not the experience we want anyone to have, but if you just asked in gchat and it didn’t get answered, but didn’t go through any other channels to get help, that’s not on us. A lot of people in the guild even make alts specifically for helping guild members get some gear/rating/experience, to hit that 1400, 1600, 1800, etc. Gchat is definitely a solid place to get some assistance, but we have discord info in the GMOTD for a reason, that is where 90% of the communication goes and it’s up to the members to actually read the message of the day when they log in.
Not gonna lie, I’ve been called many things but an elitist is new lol.
Hey! I’m currently looking for a new home and your guild post caught my eye. I’m looking to get back on the horde side of things and re-immerse myself in pvp (wpvp, rbgs, arenas - the works). I’d be coming from Emerald Dream and would love to have more wpvp action then I’m currently seeing here.
Hello Mooneyp,
We are always up for some sort of pvp aspects no matter if you enjoy RBGs, Arena, and or Wpvp and Tourneys. We have multiple scheduled days for different events including our Sunday Slaughter for Wpvp. But as you know Wpvp can happen any day and in any zone all that it takes is for one person to get camped and we form a raid group to deal with all the opposing faction in the zone.
For example, last Sunday we did “For The Horde” for ppl who wanted to do it for old time sake and for some new players who had never got the chieves so after we killed all the Alliance bosses we then turned around and took a detour back to SW just to set up camp in the SW AH. Was a lot of fun, the Alliance finally formed several raid grps to get us and zerg us with 85 ppl. Was a ton of fun.
Feel free to hit me up in game and try to make an alt if you like to join the guild to get a feel for it before you go and put down any money for a transfer. You can also join our community if you dont want to move yet and lets just say we do get the community involved with some of our events however, certain Tourney and such events is guild exclusive.
Here is the the link to the guild community feel free to join up here on your main toon if you like and join the guild on an alt to get a feel for how the guild operates. But by all means the choice is up to you as we would always love to add members to the guild for some of these exclusive events along with it comes Gold, Mounts, Pets, and much more.
Also, for more direct questions you may add my btag: Dreadious#1236 and we can get things a moving from there on out. I hope you have a great day and I hope to hear from ya soon.
Even in my heart I see
You’re not bein’ true to me
Deep within my soul I feel
Nothing’s like it used to be
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad baby
Quit play’s games with my heart
Keep it up then
I PvP, therefore I <GÖA>
Alright bud, lets get this out of the way. You and I are not Glad. But I am 2200. And I helped heal GOA rbg teams that cr at 1400 before and dropped to 2000 CR. If that’s not helping then I dunno what is. Also I help guildies arena from 0cr to 1400 cr in 1 night! I also help with leveling, wPvP and other such guild activities whenever I can because I work full-time. Not a fair assumption of you assuming everyone is an elitist a-hole whos world isn’t centered around you man. Anyways wish you the best on your next endeavors and good luck on Season 2 SL.