[H] <Forte> Guild Recruitment!

Looking forward to classic! bump

Still looking for new members

Yes sir! Happy December everyone!

Always recruiting!

Let’s do this!!

DKP or officer awarded loot?
PvP or PvE?

We will definitely be a PvE centered guild, but we would like to facilitate a welcome and friendly environment for all types of play styles. We are not set in stone on our loot system at the moment, but we are looking into a loot council system with the loot council consisting of the officer core and a randomly selected raid member.

… I mean pvp or pve server

Loot council kills it for me though =/ Too much loot drama when officers award loot.


Believe we explained above that we are rolling on a PvP server. Like I said we’re still discussing what were going to do with loot. If you have any other questions don’t feel afraid to reach out! :slight_smile:

I must have missed it, sorry.

Still recruiting!

Hello, I like what I read. I know nothing is ever set in stone until release, but do you hope for a high population server?

I think I’d like to see a high-population server. That being said, I’d prefer no sharding. I prefer the original server pop model.

High pop has its obvious perks, yet some cons as well. i.e. fighting over mobs all the time etc.

If this is intended for the Classic (Hopefully Re)Release, you do realize how much gold it costs to form, let alone expand upon a guild, right? To consider that mount training was in the Thousands of gold and I was hardly up to 50 gold, (I made 15-85 copper per quest until 20’s, I’d go to Tirisfall on my Tauren’s because you made more money per quest there,) in pocket when the time came for my first mount. All things considered, good on you for deciding to band together, however, be realistic. Classic content was a brutal event, with people all relying on one another closely. Just saying, I hope they leave it like they did pre BC with just 4k gold for first mount because if not, I’m running a druid first. The patch they selected is post Plainstriding for Tauren so, tough luck to my favorite class, Warriors.

Appreciate the comments. If I remember correctly a guild charter only costs 10 silver. Getting a regular mount was only around 80 gold and the epic mount was the one that costs a large amount. Don’t think there is any other cost associated with a guild besides 10 gold to create a guild tabard design. If you have any questions that you would like to be answered feel free to post them here or add me on discord.

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Good morning Ranidan!!

Hey we appreciate your feedback on our form recruitment thread! I do not think I read an actual concern to our guilds aspirations and goals. that being said I believe everyone deserves a response as a Guild Master who has been doing this a very long time. Aa long as everyone has a good time, I firmly stand by the idea that everyone should get out of the game whatever it is they’re looking for. I personally love the idea of having to save and grind for every little piece of success that I get. that part doesn’t bother me and as enhanced even further when I’m surrounded by wonderful people and a wonderful Guild. That’s what the scaled is about. Making that dream become a reality once again. Do I believe classic is perfect? No course not. But I’d like to see blizzard start there and put the pieces back together of what made them strong in the first place. Gameplay comes first

Alot of people who wanted to sweep past the mount cost, (which wasn’t thousands of gold in 1.12) chose a warlock or paladin for the free mount. It was a large factor in some peoples ultimate choice. Happy Hunting

Still looking for new members!

Absolutely! Need more teamates!