Feral Druid here, looking for a raiding guild for TBC. I’ve played Druid for about 13 years. Tanking experience until the end of BFA. Experienced raider, comes prepared etc etc. I play a lot, having an active tank in the guild goes a long way ;).
Looking for 2-3 days a week, but nothing passed 930pm PST.
I cannot raid Wednesdays.
I have a 60 Hunter as well, and whatever I decide to boost all prepped for TBC.
< Chaos> on Herod is looking for member for the TBC. We are looking for veteran TBC members. We are still looking for Feral OT. Feel free to message me on discord. Leamus#2201
Raid times 8-11 EST Tuesday Thursday (not enough content in T4 for 3 nights. Looking for players who plan to play a lot the first month to get everything ready. And players who want to PVP.
Hey there! I’m going to leave our guild info below but would love to have you if you’d consider us! We could use a cat or bear going forward as a main spot
We are Grumps
We are a late-night semi hardcore raiding guild located on the mankrik server, horde side. Our goal is to clear content on a casual schedule while being as competent as possible to achieve full clears within that time frame. We were created by three friends who met during the start of Classic WoW and have raided together ever since; however, due to our schedules and real life commitments, we decided to start our own guild in hopes to achieve what is needed on a more casual basis. We are looking for more like-minded individuals who want to raid together to achieve goals going forward.
Loot Distribution: DKP Raid Days and Times: Friday & Saturday 10pm EST - 1am EST Major recruiting needs: Currently open recruitment
Expectations Maintain at least a 75% attendance record going forward for raids Be able to be on discord and have a working mic Know the ins and outs of your class and be willing to take any effective criticism Come prepared to each and every raid night. This includes flasks and consumables. Respect each guild member