[H] Herod <Veritas Invictus> | 15/15 Naxx | TBC Hardcore | T/W 8pm-11pm EST

Veritas Invictus [H] | Herod US-PVP | Semi-HC+ | TBC Classic

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 8:00p-11:00p EST
Wednesday 8:00p-11:00p EST

Veritas Invictus was originally formed in 2006 in Vanilla WoW by a coalition of the top Horde players spanning various guilds on the Burning Blade server. Our mission was simple: Compete with the Alliance on the PvE front, which homed some of the top guilds in the US/World such as Forgotten Heroes & Manifest Destiny. Shortly after forming quickly rose to becoming the #1 Horde guild, obtaining Horde 1st C’Thun/AQ clears and Horde 1st Naxx wing clears. Due to unbearable server lag during Naxx progression and queue times we were forced to transfer to Archimonde. We quickly established dominance by obtaining the Server 1st KT kill. We rode that momentum all throughout TBC by accomplishing Server 1st Gruul/Mag/SSC/TK/Hyjal/BT clears. Server 1st Kalegos, Brutalis, Malygos, Felmyst kills before disbanding halfway into Sunwell. I mained a Priest & Warlock (TBC) during my time in VI.

TBC Progression: h ttps://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Server:Archimonde_US/BC_Progress

Member Expectations:
All raiders should come prepared for each raid. This includes knowledge of each boss encounter, having the required consumables and enchants, professions and items. Members are expected to farm or craft their Pre-BiS & BiS gear where applicable. All guild members are expected to respect each other and carry themselves with dignity while interacting with players from other guilds. We will not tolerate any sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and any overall toxic behavior that would bring down the morale and reputation of the guild.

Loot Distribution:
We believe in giving Raiders choice and control over the loot they receive. We will be using a highly flexible and transparent “Priority Wish List Loot Council” for all 25/10 man content. Raiders will create a Priority Wish List of loot in each Tier/Raid and submit that to the Loot Council. On top of your Priority Wish List, loot will be distributed based by class/spec prio (MT>MS>OS), attendance, and performance. Showing up to raids prepared with consumables, good attitude, knowledge of raid encounters, and playing your class/spec well will guarantee you consistent rewards.

10 man: Priority Wish List LC / Soft-Reserve once on farm.
25 man: Priority Wish List LC.

Guild Ranks:
Guild Master(s) - Guild Ownership Members. Oversees guild operations.
Officer - Leadership Members. Assists with guild management, raid leadership, recruitment, loot council, class/roll leads.
Raider - Core Members. Maintains 90% attendance of Raids. Priority spot in Raids. Priority on loot over Trials and Socials. To be demoted to Trial if attendance falls below 90%.
Trial - New Members. 2 week trial period to be promoted to Raider. Trials may only receive loot if no other Raider needs or passes.
PvP - Members focused more on PvP BG’s & Arenas.
Social - Casual Members. PvE or PvP. Socials will fill raid spots on a need basis as part of an Active Bench. Socials may only receive loot if no other Raider or Trial needs.

We are now considering applications by any exceptional players for TBC. P6/Naxx geared raiders get priority spots, including transfers. High demand for Paladins and Druids of any spec. Healers of any class welcome to apply. TBC experience preferred but not mandatory.

Hunter - 1-2x
Warlock - 1-2x
Shaman - 1x Enhance, 1x Ele, 1x Resto
Priest - 1x Shadow
Paladin - 1-2x Prot, 1-2x Holy, 1x Ret
Druid - 1x Feral Tank, 1x Resto, 1x Balance
Mage - Closed
Rogue - Closed
Warrior - 1x Arms/OT

Social - Open (any spec/class)
PvP - Open (any spec/class)

**Exceptional and dedicated players of ANY class/spec are welcome to apply!


GM: Babydabs - Babydabs#0987