[H] Exp Players LF TBC Guild

Hello Windseeker community,

Myself and two friends are looking to join a guild for TBC content with a primary focus on raiding and all things PvE. However, you can still catch us in some arenas as well. I have a lot of WoW experience across all forms of content dating back to TBC. I was originally a PvE player with some PvP xp pushing raiding content as a hunter and resto druid in TBC and WOTLK respectively. As school and life starting filling more of my time, I became a more off and on player with IRL friends and we focused on PvP as we could play on our own schedule. We went on to push 2.4k xp arenas in WOD and really take our game knowledge and mechanics to the next level (class knowledge, use of globals, positioning, etc.). During that time I played a variety of different classes and all roles, getting really good at multi-classing and learning how to drastically shrink learning curves on new classes. We have been currently playing Shadowlands but are looking to get into TBC and back into the raiding scene where it all started.

What were looking for:
As stated in the background info, we are looking for a Raiding/PvE focused guild. If you enjoy arenas, we are always down for that as well but as secondary content. The environment we believe will be the best fit for us and everyone involved is one that is Semi-Casual. We are not really interested in needing to be world first or min/max every aspect of the game. However, we would like to be a part of a team and community that wants to progress through TBC at a moderate pace. We take satisfaction in and enjoy making progress, clearing content, refining our gameplay and strategies to get better with each attempt and ultimately trying hard when it is time to pull. All with plenty of laughs, banter, and comradery in between. :smiley: Scheduled raid times and expectations are ideal but with flexibility for Life. Ideally 8:00pm EST or later raid start but not a deal breaker if earlier.

Our Classes:
Me: Prot Paladin/Rogue. Currently have a 60 rogue from the early days of classic and wouldn’t mind playing it in tbc but I am currently leveling a B.Elf Prot paladin as I believe I would like to primarily tank in tbc. Will keep things fresh, exciting, and expand upon what I have done before but much less than other roles.

Friend 1: Hunter or Warlock (Undecided. will be boosting as he didn’t play classic)
Friend 2: Holy/Disc Priest.

We believe that we can be a contributing group to both a raiding team and community as a whole and are excited to hop into TBC and explore it with all of you and even closer with a guild!

Note: I have no worries about being able to tank with all of my experience multi-classing and playing all roles across different expansions, mechanics, Raiding/Mythic+/PvP. I also have learned how to learn and love constantly bettering my gameplay, looking at logs, tweaking my globals, etc.

3 Friends (Prot paladin/Rogue, Hunter/Lock, Healer Priest) Looking for a Semi-Casual Guild For PvE Content in TBC. Want to push content at decent pace and try hard but be flexible with life as well. Think Rec League Sports Champions. 8:00pm EST raid start or later ideal but flexible and not a deal breaker if earlier.

Thanks for reading!

Hey man, hit me up at Discord @ Zarlen#1079 and let’s talk! I think what you’re looking for is exactly what I’m building right now. We have room for all three of you!

Here’s our forum post:

Sounds good! Will add you and we can chat!