Zug Culture is recruiting experienced and dedicated players interested in raiding all of the content TBC has to offer. We currently have a very solid core and are seeking to expand that core with progression-focused raiders. While we are not interested in racing for server firsts, we are focused on being successful while maintaining a level of camaraderie between guildies. If you’re interested in being a part of a raid team that not only pushes through content together, but also has fun while doing so, then feel free to add me on Discord and let’s chat!
We are currently 10/10 T5 (prenerf) and full clear current content in one night.
We’ve consistently found ourselves near the top of the Horde guilds on Windseeker during progression raiding and hope to continue doing so. Optional PTR raiding is offered for our raid team.
Classes Needed: 1 Resto Shaman or 1 Holy Priest, 1 Mage, 1 Warlock & 1 Shadow Priest. All other classes interested in bolstering a solid roster of players are encouraged to reach out as we are always recruiting progression-focused players interested in experiencing all of the content TBC has to offer!
Raid Days: Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Raid Times: 8:00-11:30pm server (EST)
Loot System: Loot Council integrated with That’s My BIS.
What the loot system means, is you create your character on ThatsMyBis and join the guild. Once you’re there, you create your wishlist for the items you want the most in the current raid tier. Then, the officers and I can establish a loot priority from the wishlists of the raiders that is fully transparent and open for viewing. This will show you when you’re getting the items you want and in what order. It makes for an entirely transparent and seamless loot council.
My Discord is Zarlen#1079, feel free to hit me up there if you have any further questions.
Thank you for your time and best of luck to you in TBC!