[H] Elder Warband -Adults/Raids AotC & M+s

Wouldn’t say no to some pally heals… :stuck_out_tongue: and more hunters!

Would LOVE a Warlock & a Monk :slight_smile: Any any other DPS folks that may be interested would be welcome as well.

405 Havoc Dh Would love to join if you all have room.

Horcrack, message me in game. Elzix#11913

We need ze cookies (aka Warlocks plz)

Yes, a warlock with baking skills, please!

Besides locks, we are just looking for more like-minded adults! =)

We still have spots for all types of DPS

We could also use a steady DH and Lock

Few spots left for DPS folks.

Still have some room for DPS, any flavor :slight_smile:

So I’m returning to wow since Warlords of Dreanor you guys seemed mature and funny and I would like to join. I will be starting a brand new toon so I don’t have much to offer yet, but i would like to know if you guys ever do rated bgs or any pvp ?

It is crazy rare for us to do PvP, I have been in the guild since legion and we have only done it twice I think in that time. If PvP is important to you, we wouldn’t be a great landing spot.

We have a healing spot available as well. If you are interested in healing, you need to be able to make 99% of the raids and ideally we would like someone who enjoys healing M+ as well.

Still have 1 healing spot open and room for DPS.

We are closing recruitment for the time being. Thank you to all those who showed interest, g/l on your search!

sounds perfect. I am a 435 ele / resto shaman LF a guild. 28 years old.