Got a dad bod? Come and rock it with us!
Dad Bod is a horde heroic raiding guild on the Turalyon server. We formed during Legion and have been AoTC every tier since. Our members enjoy all aspects of the game, including m+, pvp, and achievement/mog runs. We are made up of adults, mostly dads, with lives, careers, and families. We’d love to push hardcore and thrive like the good ol’ days, but we just don’t have the time to worry about mythic progression. Our focus is on our members and we try to support each other as much as possible.
Mostly looking for ranged dps players, and flex healers. Flexible people able to fill different roles are great to have as well. We aren’t sticklers on class choice - we want our members to have a great time playing the character they enjoy the most.
Our raid nights are currently Sun/Wed 9:45pm to 12:30am eastern time. If you’d like to discuss more, please reach out to me via:
Bnet: gnome4life#1832
Discord: Kentarus#0661