(H) <BLAST> 4/8M Mythic Team LF a few key classes. Tue/Wed 9pm-12am EST

Well-rounded environment with offerings from raid, M+, achievements, and casual - with primary focus on progression. Active, boosted discord, clear goals and communication, looking to push deeper into Mythic. We value commitment, two-way feedback, respecting others, and ability to be serious when needed and light-hearted other times.


  • TUE 9pm-12am EST
  • WED 9pm-12am EST
    We do plan for a third alt/main heroic night as we progress mythic

Current Progression

31% pull on Kurog

Current raid team needs:

Tanks: Third Tank for Swapping / Backup - will be expected to play OS as we rotate. Brewmaster ideal, but warrior/DH also work.
DPS: Mage, Rogue, Hunter. We have NO rogues right now…what?
Healers: Fifth healer for overflow/backup. Holy Paladin ideal.

Contact officer on discord or contact Denniecrane in game (Burning Legion)

  • Denniecrane#7716
  • Raab#5072

*Being on time or communicating tardiness/absences

  • Monitoring logs and adjusting performance
  • Preparedness for every raid.
  • Ability to take constructive criticism
  • Respect and putting team gains over self gains

Bump For the Day

Bump for the Rogues, Hunters, and Priests

Bump for the raiders experiencing homelessness

Bump to get Denni’s hopes up.

Bump for desperation, but no more shamans allowed.

The weekly bump