Multi Class Tank LF Guild

bump it up homies

Established 2014
Raid times as of April 2023:

Vault of Incarnates - 8/8 Heroic

Tuesday – 8pm until 10pm CST (server time)/9pm until 11pm EST

Friday – 8pm until 11pm CST (server time)/9pm until 12am EST

Guild Leader: Avalbane (palmettostar#1241)
Officer : Zadre (Darkwaves#1338)

We are currently seeking laid back, friendly raiders who want to progress through heroic content. Our community is very chill, relaxed and fun. We understand that real life things come up and happen, so you’ll never have to worry about losing your raiding spot.

bumping this again

Morning bump for the masses

Hi Ziiri, id love to talk to you about my guild, The Daybreak, in Tichondrius. We are an AOTC, 2/8M VotI guild and we are looking for a core spot main tank to tank along side of me. Please add me on discord or Bnet.

Discord: Grum#9775
Bnet: Grum#11774

Hi Ziri,

We are an Aotc guild that is looking for more people in season 2.

Raid times are Wed/Fri 7pm - 9pm CST

Here is my discord if you are interested: Jeriky#9574

Hey Ziri,

Necessary Evil, is recruiting a reliable Tank for our core group.

We are looking to push Cutting Edge this upcoming Season and are looking for similar minded players to help us get there. This season we pushed 8/8H and 2/8M.

Raiding Schedule:

Tuesday & Thursday
9:00pm CST - 12:00am CST

We push M+ when were not raiding. Most of our raiders got above 2500 io this season.

If you are interested please feel free to message me.

Bnet: Geo#1147
Discord: Geo#4450

I just posted - but we are in need of our third tank.
We run three and rotate specs (not bench you) so that we can have well-geared tank roster in the event one is out. It’s worked for us very well. The only caveat is you will have to play off-spec once every couple of weeks.

Hello! We’re looking for a tank for our raid team, if you’d like to chat, add me Jaystir#1204 - discord. Semi-hardcore 8/8H 2/8M

Hello Ziiri! We just started to rebuild our team after breaking off from a guild, we are 7/8h with 2 raiding nights (wed/th) and sunday as option to push prog, our raiding schedule is 10:30pm - 1:30am EST. We usually aim for AOTC plus pushing some mythic prog. DM Ozeanos#0547 on discord if you are interested! Cheers.

Bumping this, just to reiterate as well. I’d have to do some gearing on any tank I play as my tanks ilvls are a bit low at the moment.

new bump, hello.

evening bump

midnight bump

Morning bump time!

new bump here

Hey Ziiri! Are you still looking for a guild? If so, may I interest you in a guild named Starworld West? We are an alliance guild located on Blood Furnace. We are a group of mid-core players who like to push content at a reasonable pace. We have several members over 2.4k io and several other with KSM.

Our raid night is currently Sundays @8pm server (CST). We are 6/8H, just need to bolster our roster a bit to get AotC in 10.1. If this sounds like a good fit for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I can answer any questions you may have!

Btag: Cthulhoo#11286
Discord: SgtCthulhoo#6180

bumping it

still looking peeps

Guild & Server: Thrall
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday & Thursday 8:15-11:15 PM EST.
Current Progression: 5/8 M, 8/8H VotI
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Spookiie#3034, Btag: Spookiie#11216 Raider.IO:
Requirements: Dependable attendance, team-oriented players, prior mythic raiding experience strongly preferred, positive attitude, No drama Require all raiders to server transfer before raid drops.