I took a long break since the start of SL and came back in Chains of Domination. I have been playing M+ a lot and am looking to start raiding again.
My previous history in raiding for SL includes clearing CN 10/10 on both normal and heroic (on a different character who’s armory you can find here: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/dalaran/evigrawr) and thus I would like to continue the trend for SoD.
Currently, I have not done any of SoD because the thought of pugging groups again is not something I’m fond of. However, I am eager to learn and help the group moving forward. In addition, I can promise that I will bring attentive behavior and a positive mentality to the raid group.
Also, I also have a DK buddy around my same ilvl that I would like to bring along seeing as we are both looking to step back into the raid environment.
Feel free to reach out to me on here, on Bnet, or on discord. I’ll write my associated information below. I’ve also attached my armory for any curious.
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Contact info:
Bnet: Evigma#1844
Discord: Evigma#8311