[H] Area 52-US <Firestorm> 3/10 M 10/10 H 10/10 N LFM for Mythic (High need for a DK, Warlock, and WW)

Hello All!

Firestorm is a Horde guild on Area-52 and we are on the hunt for some more raiders for 9.1. We just got AOTC and are now looking for a few more to get our 20 and start pressing Mythic.

If you are looking for a fun environment with great people Firestorm may be a good fit for you. We have a great core group of players (some with CE experience) who want to raid and are willing to help. Overall goal is to build a great team with an even better guild culture.

Raid times are Thursday 11 PM to 1 AM EST and Friday 11 PM to 2 AM EST

If you are interested, please, feel free to contact me:

Battletag: Dissipated#1517
Discord: Dissipated#2868

All classes/specs/roles are welcome to reach out!

You may also reach out to me: Toretto#1369.

Come and see what stress free raiding looks like!

*Bumping - Still looking for some awesome new players!

Friday bump, still looking for more.

New patch bump

New raid this week! Come have some fun with us.

Looking for more dps

Raid day bump.

Did you know: Pringles aren’t actually chips?
To find out more and other interesting facts, come raid with us!

New week bump. Good luck in your vaults tomorrow!

Still looking for cool people to hang out with.

Bump for cookies and an int buff!

Raid day bump

It’s raid night so have a bump!

Hello, Valkynmage here. Hit me up in game if you’re looking for a good mage to roll with you.


Added you on bnet

Seems like a good time for a bump!

Raid day bump, come join in the fun.

Still looking to make friends with a DK and Lock! Come join the party!