Greetings Area 52,
The past week I have renewed my subscription and made a warlock on this server as Turalyon has died a bit more than last time I played on there. I am a Military Veteran who was stationed overseas and primarily played on EU servers for the past 15 years. I was primarily a raiding fanatic, so I don’t mind wiping 100 times a night just to get progression. I haven’t played a whole lot of WoW in the past 7 years due to change of lifestyle, but my last hurrah on the EU servers was AOTC G’Huun with my old raiding guild. I am also currently struggling with anxiety, depression and PTSD so my online hours are all over the place atm. That being said, I am looking for a chill, relaxing, mature, family-oriented type of guild who means business when it comes to raiding. My raiding style has always been survival>DPS numbers, learning the mechanics of the fight by surviving them, then work on pushing DPS charts. I’m not looking for a carry or looking to carry others, but I do believe in constructive criticism, and push others to be better. I am not a perfectionist by any means, but don’t argue with me that changing defensive talents will raise DPS. I am big in mogging, I even kept sets before mogging even existed because I simply thought they looked cool and didn’t have the heart to sell them just for a couple gold (although my bank was a mess ). I also like pet battling and will occasionally PvP. So if your guild does a weekly Mog/Pet run, that would be a bonus. Anything else you would like to know, just ask! I am a very open, straight-forward person.