[H] <Achievement> Guild Recruiting

Yesterday we had so many events going on! A transmog contest, a rare hunt, a cookout and attending the guild faire. We’re always doing something together, so go ahead and come join us! We love meeting new folks and expanding our community! You won’t be disappointed. <3

I don’t like spam.

Unless it’s achievement spam. That variety is my favorite.

October is the return of my personal favorite monthly challenge - a pumpkin carving contest! We have new monthly challenges every month, come and check us out and join in on the fun!

This guild is so full of life and passion. They really care for their own. While i may not hold passion for the game as much anymore if you are looking for a guild to call home join achievement. They are really there for you and do wonderful mythic +. Roleplaying activities, seasonal events. They are always trying something new so join achievement :grinning:.


Aww, thank you! :hugs:

Shenanigans abound! Check us out!

Achievements for shenanigans?

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Getting excited to see entries for our annual pumpkin carving contest!

Who among you likes achievement hunting?

Can you all kindly pack up your guild and move to Alliance-side Moon Guard??
… pretty please! :pleading_face:

We actually have achievement over on mg as well, but we’ve never really done anything with it. For a long time, I really dreamed about making a sister alliance guild, but this guild is so much work, I think I would have a difficult time maintaining it without some consistent alliance players to help it get on it’s feet. Unfortunately, most of our players are die-hard hordies. (I’m alliance at heart, don’t tell anyone. ;-; )

I’m telling everyone.

boop, back to da top

Hello, it’s me, I have made many lowbie rogues for Turkey Lurkey

Today is tmog thursday! We get together and hunt down some mogs and hang out. Always a good time! Come check it out!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! We have plenty of stuff planned for December. Come check us out!

I’m interested. Will contact later.

Were you ever able to get in touch with someone? If not, add my btag and I’ll be in touch :slight_smile:

We have a guild game of dodgeball this week! Come check us out!

  • Notices in first thread post there’s an officer called Voodoo. Intrigued.
  • Changes Forum characters to hopefully find a post in the thread by them to reply to; maybe jokingly call them out for being fake and challenge them to a duel (That I’d most certainly lose).
  • Finally finds the posts by them in this thread and … damnit, WRA. Why’d you ruin this for me before I even started. Sad day.

Love the concept of your guild, though. Keep up the good work.