[H] <Achievement> Guild Recruiting

We’ve got lots of fun stuff planned for the coming months: mini-games, old raid achievement runs, and more! If you’re new to the server and/or Horde side, or just looking for a great guild and great people to be around, look us up!

Achievement running as strong as ever! Come check us out in game if you’re looking for the perfect place to call home!

I am going to be real with you guys. This guild is not it. If you dare disagree with the officers on raiding or ask for a position to heal tank or otherwise. They will simply decline you. They have a controversial channel which does nothing but spurs up guild drama. Some of the people are nice but that is far overshadowed by the negatives. If you disagree with them you are “Attacking them”. Also don’t expect to be on the raid team usually it is the same people so if you are interested in that might as well look elsewhere. Overall 4/10. Nice people but lots of issues.


Thanks for the feedback! That is typically how raid teams work, you have a set group until the content is cleared, then you start taking other folks.

As for the controversial channel. I would like to point out to anyone interested in joining that it is a 100% opt-in channel, as in you physically have to go to the bot commands channel, type in a command to assign yourself a rank just to be able to see the channel. We actually deleted it over a half a year ago, and only recently brought it back to give people a space to talk about the lawsuit without bothering people in the guild who did not want to see it in general chat. :slight_smile:

I would love to hear your issues with the officer team in more detail so I can work to improve the quality of my guild. My btag is at the top of the post if you would like to reach out. I’m mobile as I’m typing this, so it’s a little awkward to navigate up to so I can copy it here directly.

I have to second this.

The people of this guild are amazing, naturally with everything right now, alot of people are displacing. So it is very nice that I still have a home to go to in Azeroth. I can always jump in Discord voice and chat whenever.
Again, we have amazing artists and I’m dang near going broke, commissioning my guildies!

I will also add that I have never in my entire journey in this game, encountered the most encouraging and helpful people!

Definitely join Achievement today, I welcome you! hugs

I got a toon in the guild and its been nothing but positive. Never really see any “guild drama” coming from this controversial channel as that channel is just full of people voicing opinions, unless you personally had a issue with someone who had a different view as you and are just gripin bout it.

Being in the guild i’ve only seen people leave on their own accord for their own reasons and seen lots of people helping each other.

It sucks if you sign for a position in the raid and don’t get it due to reasons but thats just how raiding goes. Heard there was someone who never brought food, tomes, oils, gems, enchants and swapped toons for raid like pokemon cards and talked elitist to other guild members naturally, got mad and left the guild tho. Hope that dude found a guild that can tolerate that kind of toxicity.

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Oh Hi, I’m not bumping at all

I quit the game tbh.

Beware this guild. The leadership was full of biases, toxicity and prioritizing favorites over actual criticism. I was a mentor and saw it FIRSTHAND. They bullied one of my friends out of raid because she didn’t do enough healing after one day of adjustments whereas the guild leader can parse under 20% for weeks and still stay in their healing spot. Theyre raid leader is narcissist and talks down to every single person in raid, has made multiple members quit due to toxicity and absolutely has an ego bigger than anything ive ever seen. My ENTIRE FRIEND GROUP, who mind you were there at its inception, have all quit due to toxicity and lack of empathy. I have had conversations with a leader who frequently says that Sexual Assault victims lie. Ive faced utterly horrific transphobia from members who were ONLY KICKED once they attacked leadership whereas my situation only warranted a warning. Now im seeing that yall are talking about my friends on YOUR FORUM POST. This is absolutely ABYSMAL and leadership should know better than letting this slide. Yall are creating a toxic environment and kicking anyone who disagrees with you. I left quietly to avoid drama because i genuinely thought you guys were good people regardless of the selfish choices you make but i see that giving you guys the benefit of the doubt was wrong, yall will continue making yourselves the victims.

Thanks for ruining world of warcraft for 5+ people! Your raiding experience was entirely the reason and its also the reason why you cant find dps to fill your roster :slight_smile:


They got rid of the mentor system shortly after you left.


Hi Hushbrew.
Let me start by saying that I am definitely not perfect as a raid lead, an my inexperience can shine through sometimes. That being said, most people on the raid team are aware that it is a stressful environment when we are trying to progress, and sometimes things are said in the heat of the moment. I’ve worked hard over the past few months to adjust my temperament to create a better raid environment.

All that being said, this thread’s negativity started because your friend was causing massive amounts of drama on the raid them. They signed up as DPS and agreed to the same terms as everyone else, only to blindside the team by leaving when they didn’t get to heal on an encounter we were progging, and demand that I kick off other members so they could heal. After what I thought was an agreement between us to settle down and keep playing as DPS, their attitude only got worse in raid, to the point where I could no longer have them on the team.

It was their choice to leave the guild, and the officers had no intention of kicking them out. If you and your friendship group had a bad time in the guild, I deeply apologize, but also please understand that we have plenty of members who love the community we have created, and that not everyone will fit in. That is just the reality of things. I am sorry you have felt so slighted that you felt the need to come onto this thread and make such a heated post.

I’m sorry we parted ways on bad terms, but I wish you all the best in your next guild! I hope it’s a better fit for all of you.

You mean your ego yeah we get it
Still haven’t addressed the transphobia 2 of your members displayed and only kicked one of them after they attacked the officers not for making fun of someone identity. My criticism is not drama if you can’t see that then maybe you should step down as an officer.

Dude im not the only person who has gone through this and you have made people cry over your attitude MULTIPLE TIMES. Regardless of how little experience you have you are purposely mean and belittling to others. This is not an inexperience problem this is a personality issue that needs to be actively worked on instead of deflecting criticism and continuing to act toxic. I am also not the one who started this, you let someone post something mean about previous members, denied responsibility and kept the comment up for a WEEK. This is exactly what i mean by toxic environment, you saw this and expected that no one would notice and reply.

The reason why no one wants to criticize anyone in personal dms and do so anonymously is because EVERY TIME i came to an officer with issues it was brushed off and told it was my fault or that i was simply being dramatic. My friends came to yall with valid criticism and were met with the same. At some point, you guys show that you are not safe for marginalized people. You continue to deny and deflect responsibilities and wipe your hands of the situation without actually addressing it, even now.

You cant manipulate random people in a forum in the same way that you do so with guild members. Your post PROVES MY POINT, so thanks for that. I recognize that my criticism will fall on deaf ears as it has for EVERYONE who isnt in leadership. I have been in multiple guilds across a 8 year time span and i have NEVER encountered the level of denial before. So this is my last forum post, because i dont play WoW anymore and after this experience i dont think i’ll ever return.

I just went through my discord logs with you and I read every single one. You never once contacted me to let me know you were being attacked for being transgender or anyone else. If, for whatever reason, an officer wasn’t resolving the issue you should have contacted me, the GM who is also transgender. I absolutely would not under any circumstance let this fly in my guild.

I understand that your very close friend group is upset, but you all left the guild over a month ago. Why on earth are you stirring the pot now? Move on.

When i contacted your officer multiple times with issues and being brushed off is exactly why no one comes to you specifically. If they arent going to listen why would you? You have shown multiple times that you dont accept criticism either and im not the only person who has seen this firsthand. The reason im bringing it up is because i was entirely respectful when i left and YOU GUYS were the ones who stirred drama, again denying responsibility and saying its not your fault, as per usual.

Also if your officers arent communicating this stuff to you it sounds like you guys need to work on that and stop blaming victims.

So… what you’re saying is you accepted that something was happening that was wrong and didn’t even bother to escalate the issue because you ASSUMED I wouldn’t do anything, then chose to come here and say I won’t so anything about it? Just clarifying.

“Also if your officers arent communicating this stuff to you it sounds like you guys need to work on that and stop blaming victims.”

You were on our leadership team as a mentor, which is essentially a junior officer. So why did you not communicate with me?

Taken directly from our discord logs, so I know you know it was considered that position.

Lincoln — 04/30/2021 As mentioned in the application itself. This is essentially a "junior officer" position within the guild. You will be responsible for representing our guild in the best light possible. This doesn't come with any special perks or ranks in-game, though you will be assigned a ping-able "mentor" role in the discord. We just want to make sure you're on the same page and understand that and have the time to dedicate to this position. We don't have a set amount of hours you need to dedicate to this, but we don't want to give this role to people who aren't going to put the effort in where they can.

If im going to be honest the fact the officers were so quick to respond and attack our criticism really shows their state. One of their legendary members attacked me for using an alt because i have friends in the guild and being cut from them would really hurt. And i don’t feel comfortable bringing criticism up when you see this kind of toxcity.

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“If im going to be honest the fact the officers were so quick to respond and attack our criticism really shows their state.”

Well the only reason I responded at all is that some of our members were talking about how inflammatory this post is, and I was trying to be diplomatic with you two. I am very sorry you had the experience you did in our guild, but some of your comments are just straight out of line.
I know I have a lot of issues I personally need to work on, but maybe take some time and do a little self-reflection yourself?

If you are facing transphobia issues in a guild where two of the top officers are part of the G and T communities, perhaps you should raise that as an issue so we can take steps to resolve it? Saying that we’re unsafe for marginalized people is just frankly…really, really dumb. We take this stuff seriously, but expect a bit of maturity from our members as well.

As for you Killix, you constantly annoyed people in the raid team with your ‘I know better’ attitude, failed to show up prepared, caused me more drama than you were worth as a DPS - and especially as a healer - and argued with the raid lead quite often. You just weren’t a good fit for our team, and I am sorry that you are taking the removal from it so hard.

Again, I hope you find a guild that suits you better. Now please act a bit more mature, and stop slagging off our guild on our recruitment page. Cheers.

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This is a public fourm. I am allowed to leave criticism here. If you have an issue with that maybe change the way your attitude is towards your fellow guild members. And have that self reflections because this wouldn’t have happened if you treated members with respect instead of attacking them. Overall i did say it had some redeeming qualities with good members and good events but its overshadowed by the negativity. This is my final post.