[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 1/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Still want 1 or 2 dps. Looking for a WW and Enh specifically but reach out either way!

Looking for another couple dps

Hey I’m a newer / returning player. Interested in either Ele shaman or warlock. I’d have to lvl still but if you’re interested let’s chat my discord is : Golozo#0698

Let’s chat.

Still looking for a couple dps to add to the team. Jaystir#1204 - discord

408 Destro Lock (2190 rio, 1/8M), sent you a Discord DM.

Awesome let’s chat! Still looking for 1 or 2 more dps!

Looking for a DPS or two for mythic kills!

Bumping for 10.1! Looking for more dps!

Still looking for some dps, maybe a tank? Add us if interested.

Hey, if you still need a dps/off tank i have a warrior im looking to raid with this tier, also have a pally if one is needed as well

Looking for DH and WW!

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Hello I’m currently on another server and I’m looking to make a fresh new start. I have a demon Hunter who is eye level 408-ish right now. I also have a monk that’s around 4:05. I also have a resto/feral druid and just about every other class but I have been meining my demon Hunter in my monk. And I’m looking to transfer to a new server with the new guild. This weekend. 5/13/23. So leave me a message if you guys are interested.

I am your demon Hunter / windwalker. I’m x-raying a new server this weekend

What is your discord info I will add you when I get home from work

What is your discord/bnet info? I’ll add you!

Discord: Aidy#7495
Discord: Jaystir#1204

My b tag is Disturbed #11808

added you!

Still looking for DH, WW, and maybe a mage!

Looking for some DPS!