[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 1/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Tried adding you both on discord

417 Frost mage here - added you both on bnet and discord.

Looking for a couple more, specifically a DH and a WW. Add us if you’re interested!

Are y’all open to new players lvling and learning the game and plan to raid and run key dungeons?

Looking for a WW and DH specifically but also open to other dos

AotC, working in mythic next week. Still need a couple dps with high priority to a WW and DH

Looking to add a couple DPS to the roster to push mythic, add me if you’re interested

Good morning! Still looking for a couple for mythic prog with a priority to a WW, and a DH!

Looking to fill out our roster for 10.2 :slight_smile: hit us up!

Looking for heals! Hit us up :slight_smile:

Still need DPS with high priority to a Mage and Shaman. OS Heals(dps main) is a big +

Good morning! Looking for 1 or 2 more DPS to round out our mythic roster. Healing and/or tanking offspecs are always great!
Add me if interested.

Jaystir#1960 - Bnet
Jaystir - Discord(preferred)

Still recruiting for mythic. add me!

Looking for all, tank/heal/dps. Add me if you’re interested!

Still looking, need a tank, a heals, and a couple Deeps

Looking for peeps, add us!

Looking for a tank and a dps or two.

Hello, We’re gearing up to raid and could use a couple more people. Please reach out to us if you’re interested. Thanks!

Could use another healer and lock!

Still need a warlock! Hit us up!