[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 1/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Looking for a DH :smiley:

Good morning! We’re still needing a havoc DH

Still looking for a Havoc!

Hello! We are still in need of a Havoc DH and a healer!

Good morning gamers! We’re recruiting for DF. Add me or Aidy to chat!

Jaystir#1204 - discord
Aidy#7495 - discord

Looking for more for DF! Hit us up :slight_smile:

@Aidy I’m interested! I just sent you friend request on discord.

The spam in this thread is actually hilarious, my god, stop bumping your own thread.

Aww thanks for the bump, guy! Much appreciated :slight_smile:

Hello gamers! We’re recruiting for DF. Add me or Aidy to chat!

Jaystir#1204 - discord
Aidy#7495 - discord

Still looking for a tank, and a healer

Range DPS also welcomed! Could use a shaman!

Hello, Im a returning player. I took a break for pretty much all of shadowlands. I was wondering if you have a minute to chat.
gahader#1606 - in game
gahder#0651 - Discord

Hello, I’m a returning tank with former CE and consistent AOTC experience.

Life changes during Shadowlands left me unable to focus during the last raid tier, but I also felt unmotivated to stick around as the content felt depressing.

I can make the days and times with 1 Thursday unavailable per month incase I want to go see family on days off Thur/Fri.

I work 6-6 CST as a prison guard, and I’m a Veteran so for me punctuality is key. I also enjoy being challenged and performing Mythic Pluses.

Feel free to add me via B-tag AlzHammer#1406 or you can find me on Area 52. My Discord is Füjita#6636

ShadowsBane#11253 bnet
Disc- MellyBelly#3220.
Be interested.

Need a WW and an Enh shaman. Looking for more DPS as well so reach out!

Looking for a few dps! Add us to chat!

Still in need of a couple DPS.

We’re still recruiting DPS!

Looking for a few dps to move into mythic with us. Add me or Aidy if interested.

Hey guys not sure if your Remember me from BFA but me and a buddy are looking for a guild we are now on Area 52 I have a logs high parsing rogue and hunter I also have a high parsing shadow priest