[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 1/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Still looking for a couple range DPS. Add us!

Looking for a DPS or two(range dps, a rogue, maybe others) and a healer!
Add us!

Still in need of a dps or two and maybe a healer!

Add us for fun reclears and mythic prog!

Add us if you’d like to raid with us!

Looking for a healer and 2 dps for raids!

Still open to a couple DPS

Looking for a couple DPS melee or range!

Looking for a solid DPS

Recruiting for 9.2 release! Need dps and heals!

I do apologize if it’s one of the posts above bit what is your raid schedule. My wife and I are returning players and are looking for an AotC guild.

Ret paladin and BM hunter.

Feel free to reach out if that would at all be appealing to you.


Hey Rayvhen!

No worries! We raid Tues/Thur 8-11pm EST. I went ahead and added you on bnet to chat further :slight_smile:

Good Morning

Hi there! Are you guys still looking for members?

Hi Silunani, We’d love to chat with you, please add aidy or myself on discord.


Good morning! Looking for a healer and a DPS

Hello! Still need a dps(warlock preferred) and a healer(no real preference)

Looking for a healer(flex is fine) and a melee or two(WW high priority)

Good morning. Looking for a Havoc DH, Shadow Priest for immediate slots

Good morning all! Looking for a Havoc DH