[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 1/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Shadow Priest, Havoc DH, WW Monk, and a DPS Warrior are all in HIGH need. Please reach out!

On the lookout for a Shadow Priest, Havoc DH, WW Monk, and DPS Warrior!

Recruiting the above classes!

Still looking for a Shadow Priest, Havoc DH, and a DPS warrior!

Havoc dh here. What days do you raid. ?

Hey Fancy!

We raid Tuesday/Thursday 8-11pm est :slight_smile:

Need a Shadow Priest!

Could really use a disc/shadow priest! Where you guys at!

Looking for a priest. Openings for a few DPS and 1 healer

Looking for a healer(disc/resto shamy) and a DPS or two. WW, UH/Frost DK, considering others as well. Add me on Discord: Jaystir#1204

Looking for a healer(disc/resto shamy) and a DPS or two. WW, UH/Frost DK, considering others as well. Add on Discord: Jaystir#1204

Need a healer(disc, resto shamy) and a couple dps for mythic prog. WW monk, UH/Frost DK, Havoc DH in high demand!

Still looking! Reclears are still happening

Still in need of a few dps and 1 healer!

Need a DH, Priest(dps or heals) and a range dps or two!

Still looking for a dps or two, and a healer. Add us! Raid tonight!

WTB Healer! Paying with some boss kills!

What are your raid times?

Our raid times are Tue & Thu 8-11 EST. Still looking for a few more raiders to continue prog.

3/10M hitting mythic Ner’zhul prog tonight! Add me quick!