H/A Looking for Keys?

This guild is outstanding. Full of very nice and helpful people. Very active. Anyone looking for a great place to call home should talk to Absolution. Great person.

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I dont know why its not showing me in their guild but I am :sunglasses:

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Thank you for your kind words, Znd!! Glad to have you as part of the crew =)

Probably a good time to push this to the top. :slight_smile:

Hello, returning to the game after a long absence. I am new to M+ and looking for a community to run M+ with a 425 prot warrior. Btag is ColdFront#11721

looking for more to run mythics both a/h please add me!


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Looking to run mythics as well. I have a 413 prot pally and 414 bm hunter on the alliance and a 427 bm hunter horde. NoReturnHere#1100

All caught up I think!!

Hello! I’ve been playing WOW for about 2 years now. Love playing the game and meeting new peeps. I’ve done a few PUG runs of Mythics but would love to get into some more organized groups. I am a Druid - Resto/Balance ilvl 418. Thanks!

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Hello! Looking to run M+ with some cool, chill people while I learn. I have a low ilevel Brewmaster and am leveling a holy priest.
Bnet: Syberfang#1586.

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I’ll add you ^.^ And up to date I think!

Looking for M+ Community to push above 10’s… Healer or DPS priest.

Hey there -
Been looking for a group to help get into the M+ scene, raided progression vanilla/bc/wrath/cata, but then got a job in the game design industry and don’t have the same time that I used to in order to raid that much. Looking for people to run things in the evenings (EST) and weekends.

I main a ret paladin (holy for group content) on alliance and a enhancement shaman on horde. I have a ton of 110 alts that I’ve amassed over the years that I’d love to do more group content with as well once i’ve leveled them to 120.

Asros#1822, would love to check you guys out.

Hello! I main Shadow Priest and love doing M+'s and been wanting to start pushing higher keys and get back into raiding more often, especially with the new raid coming in 8.3.

Dragon#17920, would love to join and play with you guys.

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I suck at this game. Warlock help would be appreciated. Bnet is: Weebaloo#1967

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Added the new replies and push to the top =)