Gonna keep this short and sweet. Time is money friend. Came back to the game a couple months ago. Joined a guild of decent guys but seems like the guild is done so I’m looking for a 1-2 day raiding guild to call home. Obviously with being short hours I’m not looking for the ‘highest most awesome leetsquad guild’, just looking for a suitable home to kill dragons and demons with a couple hours a week. Being able to progress deep into mythic is a huge plus. There are plenty of guilds out there doing 12/12M by end of expansion or sooner on more time-relaxed schedules these days with content being easier than the past.
As for what I play, I’ve been playing Fire Mage and DH recently. I’ll be playing Mage/DH/Rdruid for shadowlands. (Slightly open to change, or adding additional alt)
Edit: As far as availability, best is wends/thurs or fri 8pm~ or later EST.
Sent you a bnet request to chat more tomorrow, but I’m from Sublime and you sound like you might make a good fit in our group.
Current Recruitment Needs
-All melee positions are filled
-Minimal ranged positions still opened
Raid Days/Times
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm-10pm PST(10pm-1am EST)
Optional raid night for heroic mode Fridays 7pm-10pm PST
**If you don’t see your class/spec listed here, do not let that discourage you from applying. We are always looking for great players of any class.
Guild Information
7/12 Mythic Ny’alotha
Sublime is a well established end game raiding guild with a long history of Horde first accomplishments on Lightninghoof since 2006. We are a group of people that have been raiding together since vanilla performing at top raid progression on the server. Our raid sizes have varied over the history of the game, but we have always continued to raid. We have gained new long term guild members, see other members move on, and see old faces return. In all that time our guild has continued on. Our guild has now moved to the server Hyjal in order to be part of a larger and more active community. With new energy we look forward to where the end of BFA is going to take us and moving forward into Shadowlands.
Raiding Expectations
Players are expected to attend all raids per week and message an officer or post in discord if they will miss a raid. We understand that real life issues happen and we are happy to accommodate you, as long as notice is given.
All applicants should be near or at their ideal setup to directly contribute to our current content.
Raiders should always live up to their mistakes and learn from them.
We provide funds for repairs as well as flasks and consumables for progression content. Along with free enchants/gems for main spec gear.
We do not recruit for the bench, however we will make the most optimal group based on who is online for the raid.
Contacts for more info or to inquire on trialing
Hey! If you’re still looking, we’re looking to add a fire mage to our core raid group. Currently 10/12M looking to hit CE. 2 nights, 6 hours, pretty relaxed environment.