hello , i am currently horde on bleeding hollow but i am open to server xfer and even switching to alliance if need be. im looking for either a weekend raiding guild F/SAT/SUN or a weekday guild ending before 10pm EST. i play many classes. i currently have my monk BM/WW at 419 a demon hunter 410 havoc/veng , prot warrior at 400 and a outlaw rogue at 405. with all classes at 120 and open to play anything. im looking for a really strong community who will open with new faces and bring them in as one. instead of only playing with the certain cliques in the guild etc. my biggest thing is mythic plus. i love doing it and love smashing keys with other players. i plan to get well over 2k io this season. that being said im willing to help anyone gear and extend my experience in mythic plus to anyone who needs. please leave me a msg , or add me on bnet - AssUp#11311 or discord DarkSun#1509 , and we can talk and see if were on the same page. thank you for your time
Hi there!
<Ibyish Clan> might be a good fit for you! We’re a casual guild that raids N/H on the Malygos/Icecrown server, and we’ve been together since the days of vanilla. Right now, we’re looking for a tank and a few dps to fill out our raiding roster for 8.2 content. We’re a mature, laid-back group of adults who like to get together to have fun - but that doesn’t mean we don’t like to bust content in-game!
Our raid nights are Thu/Sun 6:30-9:30 central. (I realize that is 30 minutes later than your requested end time, but I figured I’d check!) We also run M+ on our off nights.
If this sounds interesting to you, I’d love to chat with you more. You can find me in-game at Shumai-Malygos, or you can add my bnet tag at Riv#1381. Hope to hear from you soon!
Ours Is The Fury - Turalyon
AOTC raiding Fri/Sat 8:30-11:00 est
some mythic later when it’s xrealm.
Looking for a tank for eternal palace. We also do a lot of m+ (a couple s2 keystone masters, hopefully more in s3). I’d love to talk if you have time tomorrow.
bnet: pete#1889
discord: shagga#0931
guild spam:
Good evening,
I read your post and we are interested. We offer several established raid teams. All of our raid teams have their own experienced team leaders. We have the logs to prove that we have been together a long time.
Outside of raiding, we PvP, do Mythic+ key runs, farming events, and offer a variety of weekly events open to all our members. We strive to create a friendly and non-toxic environment.
We are not just a collective number of Btags and Discord names that meet up for raids. We are friends that game together–whether it is in World of Warcraft or another game.
If this sounds like the kind of community that you are interested in, then please explore the links below.
Explore. Engage. Elevate.
Realms: Illidan - Horde and Sargeras - Alliance
Forum Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-h-currently-online-multiple-teams-lfm-casuals-welcome/212656
Website: http://currentlyonline.gg
Email: info@currentlyonline.gg
To see what teams are looking for you go to: https://currentlyonline.gg/team-finder/
You are also welcome to join our discord and have a look around. Most of our weekly events are listed in the #events channel. We look forward to hearing from you!
Partnered Discord: https://discord.gg/CurrentlyOnline
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