Raided mythic between MoP and Legion (with cutting edge included). I quit early on into BFA (just a few M-kills into Uldir), however, I’m looking to come back, preferably just to raid less hardcore for a little bit (most likely before 8.2) and regain some of my composure.
If there’s a M-guild that needs a tank, I’m considering Mythic for 8.2, but until then, I simply want to find my footing once again through heroic runs and perhaps some early mythic kills.
Hi, I’m the GM of Do Work on Bleeding Hollow. We raid T/Th 8pm - 11pm Eastern and are currently 9/9H AOTC, and 1/9 Mythic. This expansion has been a ton of fun raiding with our team. We have a great core of people, and are looking for more reliable raiders. Our main tank had to step away from the game for real life issues and that has left me tanking when I prefer to play fury. I made the guild in 2009 and have a collection of players ranging from people I’ve played with since 2006, to people I’ve recruited this expansion and have since become friends with. We are a community of 30 year olds with lives, jobs, and some kids, we have fun, and we delete bosses twice a week. If you’re interested please let me know!