GY Camped by twinks

I think you might be on to something. Maybe twinks removed them and their heirlooms from the top of the food chain and they’re bitter now?

Seems odd they show little to no interest in fixing class and gear imbalances. They just want twinks banished to a different queue. :thinking:


Eh casual stuff is fine. Anything ranked is suffering a bit though. Arenas got screwed by a mid season balance patch that also affected mmr which discouraged people from queing. Other general balancing issues too…

Should pick up some season 2 though

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Nope, I explicitly said I want them to focus on class balance issues. They can’t hope to balance gear too. They’ve shown they can’t balance sooo much stuff I have zero faith.

Removal of enchants and gems would satisfy me.


This is all it would take. Or the damage scaling we see at max level, where the lower ilvl vs someone high you deal more damage to them and they deal less to you. Either of those would work over removing people from low level BG queues.

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There’s still some overpowered procs that haven’t been nerfed, but it would make it significantly more balanced. While I’d still prefer outright separation, that’d be a good middle ground.

I don’t think twinks would be happy about it though.

Who cares if some won’t be happy about it? At least the higher brackets would still get queues. And they’d have wargames where everything can matter.

That would be fine and from what I heard they already are starting to do that they could do like this where it says Legacy Set: Bonus is inactive, but do that for gems instead? Like you can gem your gear for wpvp or wargames, but it’s inactive in instanced pvp.

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…premades don’t matter, here’s an image of the BG I just got gy camped in:


This has been well documented, and the same approach has been taken since the beginning of “these” threads.
Identical gearing… no. We want Separation!
“Not one mention of balance” as if it didn’t even matter. :thinking:

That’s right, let the guys who play 15 games per month dictate the playing terms of the guys who play 30 games per day.


30 a day? Damn I hope you’re doing that as Alliance, on Horde that’s got to be almost eight hours a day, 56 hours a week. “Don’t have a life” is such a stupid cliché, and I have spent a few months bedridden in the past, but still (real question not sarcasm) how do you have that much time for this game?

I see you are an experienced player, maybe we should vote for you in the upcoming election at the loaf n jug.


We are out of gum though.

No one pays for it.

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What is mercenary?

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I think they sold out of that like 6 weeks ago.

These guys were forced to rez in the gy, shameful bliz.

OK, you made me look something up on Google, Loaf n jug is apparently a local chain of convenient stores somewhere in the south west? Still have no idea what you’re saying.
Thanks for the reply?

Just because they may defeat you in one or two moves, doesn’t mean they are always twinks…
And Blizz has some advice for fighting on the load-in screen, something about as long as you keep your health above 0%, while lowering the enemies health to 0, you are good!!! drips sarcasm

It would be like if I held elections at 7-11s in the northeast… a joke perhaps?? Lol