Gul'dan Alliance Reconnections

Hey all, Becki here old gm of SUMA hope to see you all around!

“Tonight we’re gonna make your pvp a living hell”


Me: Rastlin, Human, Paladin
Guilds: The Art of Warfare, Hellfire Syndicate, Thorny Devils, Seraphic, Invictus, Guns for Hire, Resolution, and Mail Enhancement
Old Friends: Tylaena, Ctonn, Taniss, Ironmonger, Henali, oh god I know there are more, but we are talking 15 years ago now.
BNet: Voidheim#1346

Also an old video I made back on that server during BC, shortly before transferring away from PVP servers. :stuck_out_tongue: God this makes me feel old, and cringe at how stupid it was lol.

So some old FwB are rolling on Stalagg. Hit them up old friends :slight_smile:


hope all is well.

Champion’s Name: Babycac
GUILDS: Provoked Prophets, FwB, and Carpe Diem (for 10mins trolling xaveria)

Looking for Old school Prophets or FwB people that i remember. dont remember that many of you in fwb though. looking for 2 people in PP that some of us OGs from pp have lost touch of. ANOWENN and MG where you guys at. yall were the best healing druids i ever played with (pupps you’ll always be my number 1 druid healer).

Also i remember some epic 1v1s with some High Warlord Warriors and me rocking blues. also the EPIC 1v1 between illhomicide and myself right outside of ironforge with like a 100 or more people on each side watching. and when i got him down to half health his guild jumped me and a huge battle began outside of the gates of ironforge. i miss the days of vanilla. :frowning:

Ayyy! The man, the myth, the legend himself!

Yooo Snipez! I used to play as Mog (Female Human Rogue) in Ascension during vanilla. Had to level a new character to 10 to be able to post. Can’t believe Gul’dan is still around.

I saw Qaz, Faz, and Sasinator in this thread as well, but can’t direct-quote everybody. Any other old Ascension folk around?

I still have the video of our first Onyxia kill that Stonehealer recorded. Good times:

Characters I can pick out from the video:

  • Stonehealer
  • Electro
  • Chasey
  • Osanger
  • Squibbles
  • Ewock
  • Mezzo
  • Zoboumafu
  • Arora
  • Frigid
  • Aaragan
  • Arindra
  • Redbaron
  • Obsidien
  • Tarnmasta
  • Diela
  • Gen
  • Tactix
  • Rofflemayo
  • Whip
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I think we’re, like, old now.

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Not sure if anyone would remember me…
Night Elf Druid

I remember seeing you around man on the server!

Wow, old faces! I’m currently playing on Grobbulus for some fun PvP action. Hit me up on bnet! Thariene#1614

Nute!!! I’m currently playing on Grobbulus for some fun PvP action. Hit me up on bnet! Thariene#1614

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My name was Sybera, I was a NE druid.
I think our guild was called Asskickers Anonymous (I think?)
I used to play with a group in that guild for a long time, I was maybe 10 or 11 at the time. I think their names was Allayia or Allaya, Dontbefooliboy or something like that lol and 2 others.

If you’d like to reconnect lmk! You can find me either on bnet: Scuddle#11838 or on discord: Scuddlemuffin#6861

hello my name was rizi I was in the horde killers

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Hey Cel! Really nice to hear from you again.
I’ll add you tonight on Bnet.

Do you know if most of ME is on Grobbulus or Pagle?
It seems like we haven’t chosen a server yet.
Let me know

Who’s going to whitemane?


Prelude to Chaos warlock officer
anyone else around?

Feeling left out of that list my man. I feel like Poore has been AFK in IF for the last 15 years. That tranq shot fiasco is one of my most memorable moments hah.


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Gratz Mog!

Good times!