NAEEN WOOOWOOOO GM grinders for life lol
too any other FWB reading this - Vehemence (gnome warlock) here, haven’t touched this game since I left the guild in BC. I’m in the discord with the bois, add loe and join up
THAT was the name I was trying to think of, Super Ultra Mega Awesome lol. Played with you guys a lot during Dagmar, Becky, etc. runs to 14.
Faz here from Ascension. I remember you stealing aggro from our tanks almost every boss fight. Haha oh the memories
Whats up guys?! lotta familiar names in here!
So, I stumbled upon this, and Gul’Dan was my first Server.
I think i was in Kaliz Finest guild
My character names were Pitcrewskater, Locknesmonst, Holycowfarm, and my favorite / most memorable, Levelonetwnk (if you remember a night elf rogue dueling all the times outside of SW/goldshire, level 1, with full BC chants, enchanted monocle ~85% crit / 75% dodge).
I used to play in late vanilla / BC / Wrath on this server till i server hopped.
Help me find them!!!
RyanMcroyal (was my best WoW friend!!!) he was in WoW Army /
Meatshake - Level 1 warrior dwarf
i have tons of screenshots, so i’ll list some of the names i have partied with / ran with back in the day. Let me know if you know them / are these people, so i can send you the photos!!!
Bigstacks/two and I used to run VC, and i found him on discord!
-Sneakyz (rogue)
-Glolade (mage)
-Drlock (i remember him being a dbag in /2 )
-Twistedelf (damn boomkin)
-Ultraniklaz (guildee)
-dayofdoom (demolished by my level1, and you were 10+)
-stubbie (we had an epic convo in /2)
-Elky/Malphius (lovers?)
-magnivore (chimed into /2 convo)
-Gemo heres an old 2006 youtube video of my Grand Marshall Mage being crazy lmao.
Hello everyone!!
Looking for any of my old guildies from FwB.
Played a warrior named Dashiva. Let me know what server you guys are rolling on and if theres a discord you are all on.
looking forward to the good ole’ days again.
discord: dhamiii#4666
bnet: Dash#11446
hey man it’s Dashiva from FwB… can you get me the discord info?
Whats up Big B long time no see, rolling gnome mage action again?
Hey all!
My name was Starmist. I was an NE hunter.
I was in a number of guilds but its been so long I don’t really recall them.
Some of my friends included: Galiaras, Kimi, Bohel, Candypop, Lattel, Imwatchinyoo
Nah going horde this time around, rockin the ole Tauren Shammy windfury pvp style lol
i think you got the wrong server lol never heard of 1 of those guys.
its ya boy
Cant help that they sucked.
UHM. Where are all the Carpe Diem folks? Server first server best.
Hey, I still exist.
Was in a guild FwB. Grinded rank 14. Will prob start it up again.
Avengeance here, Carpe Diem represent. Server first, server best. Shouting out to my boys Tyrant, Bruden, Shaz, Xaviera, Saera, Poore, Valistar, Sentry, Future, Sarolyn, Grassgreen, Hyrax, Helena, Legende, Intoxicated.
Snipez was it you that got Ashjre’thul over Sentry in CD when Xav nerd raged because he missed a tranq shot? Can’t remember who it was haha.
Also remember some of the rankers, Healcleanse, Sab, Becky, Bigbeezy. Horde side too, Blah, Blazewind, Nobles, all the dudes from Nightmare.
Hi Faz, it’s Qaz
Hello Qaz its Faz