Reading those Knights of Sokan posts reminded me about my stint with the serious reenactment side of Mount and Blade: Warband (Napoleonic Wars). There were two sides: stupid silly fun, and the srs regiments/clans/event archetype.
Predominantly European (go figure lol) I was the only American in the regiment I joined, and I was relentlessly bullied and made fun of. I didn’t really cave to it, though, something about it made me want to keep pushing on and try harder. I’d be grilled on history lessons and asked about what battles our regiment took part of in the IRL coalition wars. (We were the 2nd Coldstream Guards, for reference).
It also helped that I was in a RP guild on Moon Guard Alliance that I won’t namedrop for a very long time. They did similar stuff both in-game and OOC, as they were run by both current, former, and future military personnel and officer cadets. (Thank you for your service, if you’re reading this)
It did become really hectic and borderline toxic, though. In making the Vol’kar I tried to take certain aspects, but H E double hockey sticks no to any of the old “immersion aspects” in any of the former guilds, clans, or regiments I was apart of. A game should be treated like a game, not a job. Need to keep a healthy amount of fun.
You’ll find plenty of guilds on both sides of the fence, OP. Military is not a very fond flavor of guild this expansion. They’re shriveling up and dying out, really. That could be acquainted to the lack of RP-PvP or maybe the distaste in the lore storyline right now, but that’s neither here nor there. I would recommend you to a friendly guild of ours, but they just transferred to Moon Guard. ;_;
Have you tried any of the dwarven guilds? I know you are a void elf, but perhaps a different race might help. Human roleplay is stale this season, and unless you like criminal or “business enterprise”, Stormwind might not be for you. I’d also check out the Night Elf community. They even have their own following/circle of Alliance-aligned Nightborne. I can’t remember who, though. Kalimdor Collective?
Oh, and don’t be fooled by the dwarven guilds. They may have regimented-esque names and a tinge theme of military, but they are awesome groups to be apart of. Kirsten’s a great gal that could hook you up.
Also: Shay’s above my post makin’ it look like I exclusively post on threads that she also posts on, Vol’kar hivemind of forum posters smh