Guilds (and who to avoid?)

The Volkar is absolutely nothing like this lol. We’re actually super relaxed. The “Heavy RP” just means we have events once or twice a week, and those events usually last a couple hours. They are never, and I mean NEVER mandatory though, and no one looks down on anyone else for not attending. RL always comes before games, and our guild respects that. Also, there’s no pre-reqs to join other than read the rules and do an IC interview which usually takes about 15 minutes.

So, if you’re ever interested in checking us out, feel free to send a whisper! =)


Reading those Knights of Sokan posts reminded me about my stint with the serious reenactment side of Mount and Blade: Warband (Napoleonic Wars). There were two sides: stupid silly fun, and the srs regiments/clans/event archetype.

Predominantly European (go figure lol) I was the only American in the regiment I joined, and I was relentlessly bullied and made fun of. I didn’t really cave to it, though, something about it made me want to keep pushing on and try harder. I’d be grilled on history lessons and asked about what battles our regiment took part of in the IRL coalition wars. (We were the 2nd Coldstream Guards, for reference).

It also helped that I was in a RP guild on Moon Guard Alliance that I won’t namedrop for a very long time. They did similar stuff both in-game and OOC, as they were run by both current, former, and future military personnel and officer cadets. (Thank you for your service, if you’re reading this)

It did become really hectic and borderline toxic, though. In making the Vol’kar I tried to take certain aspects, but H E double hockey sticks no to any of the old “immersion aspects” in any of the former guilds, clans, or regiments I was apart of. A game should be treated like a game, not a job. Need to keep a healthy amount of fun.

You’ll find plenty of guilds on both sides of the fence, OP. Military is not a very fond flavor of guild this expansion. They’re shriveling up and dying out, really. That could be acquainted to the lack of RP-PvP or maybe the distaste in the lore storyline right now, but that’s neither here nor there. I would recommend you to a friendly guild of ours, but they just transferred to Moon Guard. ;_;

Have you tried any of the dwarven guilds? I know you are a void elf, but perhaps a different race might help. Human roleplay is stale this season, and unless you like criminal or “business enterprise”, Stormwind might not be for you. I’d also check out the Night Elf community. They even have their own following/circle of Alliance-aligned Nightborne. I can’t remember who, though. Kalimdor Collective?

Oh, and don’t be fooled by the dwarven guilds. They may have regimented-esque names and a tinge theme of military, but they are awesome groups to be apart of. Kirsten’s a great gal that could hook you up.

Also: Shay’s above my post makin’ it look like I exclusively post on threads that she also posts on, Vol’kar hivemind of forum posters smh


I feel stalked. And special.

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Posting on an alt for some anonymity But I joined a Sokan guild yesterday :sweat:

The first officer I whispered to ask for info said he wasn’t the person to ask so I contacted another officer. By the time I’d applied and gotten an invite, the first officer had been gkicked. And within the first hour or so I’d been a member, about 20 or so members either left or were kicked.

On the upside, they have 3-5 RP events scheduled every day and the site looks amazing. Never seen such an in-depth site for an RP guild. The level of world building for the guild is really impressive. That being said, I’m nobodys doormat so we’ll see where this leads and how long it lasts before people start getting crazy.


Yeah the website is definitely something. A lot of time and effort went into it and that in itself is honestly admirable. Still feels like a heavy burden to be spending so much time on the forum keeping track of every little thing your character does, and not even knowing who it benefits. Have as much fun as you can while you’re there though!

I was that first officer you talked to. Let’s just say some drama went down, and I’m glad to say I’m not part of that guild anymore.


Why is it always Star Wars fans

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Because the last ten years have broken the wills of Trekkies.

Late to the party, but



I’ll admit, that’s STRONG.

Because Marvel fans don’t have an MMO to do this in.

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Anything caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella


Last time I was on the Empire side in SWTOR there was an ERP guild called Sokan Wet.

I don’t think they were actually affiliated, but the Sokan community is so widespread that everyone appreciated the joke.


The only guild I was in after my friends all quit playing was Empire-side, it was called < Kaas Community College >.

I played a Sith pureblood Jedi Consular that ruffled so many feathers

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Cole and I were part of a really strong guild Empire side about 3 years ago. It was probably the best RP I’ve had outside of play by post. Unfortunately, drama happened and we left. Then more drama happened about a year later and the guild went boom.

It was probably the best I’ve ever portrayed a character. I think I had them all convinced I was Sith IRL.

Was it you that told the story about how they were pushed into Dark side sith roleplay so much and then did a 360 and tried to convince you and others that this evil sith was who you actually were in reality.

That was me. #truenature

Edit for clarity: The guild wanted me to do a series of RPs in order to be promoted to Lord status and forgot that I balked about the time we got to killing innocents (i.e. children). Then when I left the guild, they decided my character was actually me because they couldn’t separate IC from OOC.

In general people not being able to separate IC from OOC is why i avoid romantic roleplay like i owe it money.



I used to tell people Kirsy didn’t date because before Cole and I were a thing, people would want to RP a relationship and then ask personal stuff like was I a girl IRL, what did I look like, etc. Big red flags right there.