Guilds (and who to avoid?)

Opening this thread almost made me miss a shiny spawn.

Holy crap Cubone is smol.

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Is that why you keep rejecting my love letters.

Let me in, Zunde.

Let me be in your collection.


I wish I could hunt shiny’s. My Switch is somewhere in Kentucky because someone thought Kentucky was between Kansas and California, where it’s -actually supposed to be going- to be repaired. So… yeah.

I’m still working through the main story on Let’s Go, about to hit the final gym before Victory Road. I had forgotten what a pain in the posterior getting an Electric type was in Gen I if you didn’t want a Pikachu.

I was beating up the Zubat master trainer and after the fight i saw a cubone walking around so i was about to run off when i noticed it was ever so sparkly.

Like Cubone is such a tiny sprite

Are the Shiny’s even worth it? Tbh, most of them aren’t even that good looking! I think the Golden Geodude is the only one I’d actually be drawn to.

Yeah I noticed there’s a few other ones that are super easy to miss. Bellsprout and Ditto are almost invisible.

In general shiny pokemon are just a thing for collectors they’re just color swaps of normal pokemon.

Worst shiny to hunt goes to seel though.

Fair enough. I remember watching Chuggaaconroy catch a shiny koffing in his pokemon crystal letsplay and the absolute -screech- that followed. I couldn’t imagine reacting to something so extremely. xD.

Though, I do understand the appeal, at least.

So far the only shiny to make me screech in let’s go was this one.

I started with 999 Primier balls by the way.

Why he got a green butt tho

Because he’s beautiful.

Think a green thumb is the best you can do?

Think again

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Most shiny pokemon are pretty lame tbh. They either look barely different from the base pokemon (see: shiny pikachu) or they have bizarre and nasty color patterns.

That’s why something like a shiny charizard is so desirable; not only is it shiny and collectable because of that, it actually looks good as a shiny.

I have a male and a female shiny charizard in let’s go named Midnight and Tyrant.

I love them.

I love that i can ride them.

I can’t fathom being quizzed as part of a guild. What purpose could that possibly serve beyond ego?

I want to get a Snorlax when I get my game back and have it carry me around. I love the animation - it looks so horrifically uncomfortable and goofy that I just can’t help it.

I could tell you, but first take this Scantron and packet. You have 45 minutes, I hope you brought a #2 pencil.

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Simply to start nurturing an attitude of superiority.

Have you guys ever had to take one of those “Do you lie, cheat and steal” personality tests for a job? The ones that ask you the same question 6 different ways:

  1. Do you think it’s ok to steal from your job?
  2. Have you ever stolen from your company?
  3. If you saw someone stealing from your boss, would you tell him/her?
  4. If you saw something you wanted from your office, would you take it?
  5. You overhear someone talking about stealing from the company. Would you punish them?
  6. Is it ok to steal small items worth less than $500?