Guilds and Players from Vanilla

server- Wildhammer
faction- alliance
guild- Power of Nature (I think we actually absorbed Nights Templar when we moved into 40 man)
Character- Shui (this toon several name changes ago lol)
06/08/2018 07:55 AMPosted by Moozedung
server- Wildhammer
faction- alliance
guild- Power of Nature (I think we actually absorbed Nights Templar when we moved into 40 man)
Character- Shui (this toon several name changes ago lol)

I guess I should say cake#1441 since I'm not only not on wildhammer anymore but im also not alliance anymore
Server: Cenarius
Guild: Watchers
Faction: Alliance
Character: Niknak
Server - Darkspear
Faction - Horde
Name - Unnamed
ÂżDĂłnde estĂĄ la biblioteca?
Burning Blade
The Illuminati
12/02/2017 11:25 AMPosted by Chavezz
Server - Guild - Faction
BloodCĂźlt of Oktopos
Server: Dal'Vengyr
Guild: Prodigy
Faction: Alliance
Character: Yorn

Yuckie come home.
Server - Azshara
Guild(s) - Dogs of War, Relavare, Destinys Twilight
Faction - Alliance
Name - Aurongodx
1 Like
Server: Cairne
Guild: Ruse
Player: Khaneliman

Server: Uldum
Guild: Purity, Silent Ascension
Player: Thurgo

Server: Thrall
Guild: Rivals, Power Infused
Player: Lawlcakes

Can't remember my other character names at the time :/
Server: Azgalor
Guild: Relentless Assassins, Smack
Faction: Alliance
Player: Cyanide
Contact: just reply to this thread

It was long ago in classic, but would be cool if some of those guys were still around. I was the resto druid in the group. Tif, you were a fun Paly to play with. Doublehexix, never will forget you and Rhavok letting me tag along to raid tiny horde towns when I was a newb.

Agreed with Mot from above, reddit has a list going as well.
Server: Windrunner
Guild: The Dragon Knights
Faction: Alliance
Character: Nuken
1 Like
Missing the server Rexxar
Server: Bloodhoof
Guild: Ghost Force
Faction: Horde
Character: Mynrok
Contact: Reply to thread

I'm on Baelgun now, but name is the same.
Server: Anetheron
Guild: Army of Assassins
Faction: Alliance
Player: Sye

Server: Burning Legion
Faction: Alliance
Player: Syanide

Server: Burning Blade
Faction: Alliance
Player: Cyrenity

Server: Lethon, Maiev
Faction: Horde
Player: Meou

Server: Frostmane
Guild: Geaux
Faction: Horde
Player: Vi

Contact on all: just reply to this thread
Server - Garithos
Guild - Knights of Mayhem
Faction - Alliance
Character - Telsara
Contact: TonyL#1710

Also wouldn't mind catching up with some of the people I played with after classic to be one of the best groups on the classic server, I was on Akama, in Supreme Power, Mutiny, and Ashes of Alar, Alliance, and I played Telsara and Sskzins (was never meant to actually be played).
Sorry I know its been a while, baby keeping me busy.

Spreadsheet updated.

I also reached out to the guy maintaining the reddit thread to possibly merge my database with his.

07/10/2018 10:54 AMPosted by Aldiara
Server - Garithos
Guild - Knights of Mayhem
Faction - Alliance
Character - Telsara
Contact: TonyL#1710

Also wouldn't mind catching up with some of the people I played with after classic to be one of the best groups on the classic server, I was on Akama, in Supreme Power, Mutiny, and Ashes of Alar, Alliance, and I played Telsara and Sskzins (was never meant to actually be played).

You have a guild mate returning! check the spreadsheet.
Server: Perenolde
Guild: Drunken Maulers
Faction: Horde
Character: Mordimer (Sarovok),
Abraca-top! ::poof::
Reson Greffers Represent!