Guilds and Players from Vanilla

Server: Thrall (originally Alleria)
Guild: The Rebirth
Faction: Alliance
Player Name: Skreetch
Contact Info: Slowhand on Fizzcrank
Server: Khadgar
Guild: BG Death Dealers
Name - Ravenloft
Hey Chavezz, could you add the Duskwood server?

Server: Duskwood
Guild: U N I T Y (it was all caps with a space between)
Faction: Alliance
Name: Sorry it's been a long time
Server: Maelstrom
Faction: Alliance
Guild: Red Leaves Falling for vanilla though I was young and not major member but it was fun times , I was also a part of Newbs United Army or Newbs reuinted or whatever lol for BC and WotLK.
Character: Tundren
You can contact me on Tundren Maelstrom, or Phantomhoof Wyrmrest accord. Send a mail.
Character-Veriann (MT/Co-GM)

edit: Dominitus, Bellie, Daiden, or Joehanna if you see this send me a mail or get ahold of me.
Server: Eonar
Guild: Rayne of the Alliance
Faction: Alliance
Character: Enkki

(GL was Kiloalpha; don't know if he's still around or not)
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Frostmane - WoWaholics Anonymous - Horde - don't remember
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To the top!
Server: Sen'Jin
Guild: One Infinite Loop
Faction: Horde
Character: Thatguy
Server: eldre thalas
Name: laidtorest
Faction: Alliance
Guild: The Widowmakers
Here are some Reunification Servers in Discord:

PvE servers A-S:
PvE servers S-Z and RP servers:

PvP Servers A-H:
PvP Servers I-Z:
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Server : lightninghoof
faction: alliance
guild : Naritus and The Hun
player: Ironnvikingg
Server: Greymane
Guild Name : Prevalence
Faction : Horde
Character: Cernunnas

Contact info: / Discord: Cernunnas#9816


I don't play in US servers anymore and I'm not sure whether I would be welcome there or not, but I still think of it as my "mater" guild and I still lovingly remember them all (Brutiss, Ebonheart, Ladyiris, Tarnn, Kei, Vicerise, Methanier, Thruka.... perhaps even Inyusgal ;) ). I'm adding it to the list just so perhaps others can find it if they do a search. Who knows? Perhaps it can end up being as great and prevalent (yep, I did that) as it used to be... :)
Server - Skullcrusher
Faction - Horde
Name - Helphasto
Server - Nathrezim
Guild - Vengeance
Faction - Horde
Name - Holyfire
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You should combine forces with the person maintaining the list over on the classic wow reddit. If the two lists combine, maybe It'll form Voltron or something.