Guilds and Players from Vanilla

Realm: Maelstrom
Guilds:Crazy 88 The Remnants End game The Scarlet March
Faction: alliance
characters: Isan/Andend
battle tag isan#1922
Garithos - Bloodline - Alliance - Wildleaf / Bog#1457
Ner'Zhul - Liquor Store Mafia - Horde - Eternalsoul
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Death Strikers - Khadgar - Horde

Name: Kowabunga, Slugo.

Names I remember (some friends, others just players I recall): Beermewoman, litestriker, sonichronic, jomad, parax, kotorr, littleb, abendego, czinner, skram (or skree?), Aither, Executioner, cruelgore, Immighty.

Guilds on server I remember: BG Death Dealers, Bedlams Bastards, Voltage, Remnant, Knights who say Ni
Guild : Splintered Faction
Started out on Stormrage then transferred over to Eitrigg

I was Lichwolf on Stormrage then picked up Dracolich when transferred to eitrigg.
I can't for the life of my remember what my guild was called in vanilla, but I know we reformed as Top Shelf early BC.

Magtheridon - Top Shelf - Alliance - Gildena
Magtheridon - Top Shelf - Alliance - Saelyan/Lifefire
Guild -Xen of Onslaught
Player Name-Che? I think...
Server: Argent Dawn
Guild: Guardians of Azeroth
Faction: Alliance
Player Name: Brunz
RET of arthas/malganis - alliance
Server: Eonar
Muteki, Guardians of Dawn, Dark Renegades
Faction: Horde & Alliance
Player Name: Damyre

Would love to reconnect with some of the old crew!
Bonechewer - Escaper - Horde - Briana (R) -
Coilfang - Unknown - Horde - Gleemonex (M) -
Dragonmaw - none - Horde - Gleemonex (DK) -

Made good friends on all 3 servers. Love to hear from the original escapers 1.0 and 2.0. The NIN brothers on Coilfang.
Server: Scarlet Crusade
Guild: Crimson Legacy
Faction: Alliance
Character: Rozencrantze, 60 Resto Druid.

I as also in Blood and Honor until BC.

Before I hit max level my RL friends and I had our own guild called Deadstar Shadow Kings. We were a small guild with like 20-30 players mainly all leveling up and having fun.

I really hope they name the servers after the old ones. I am really hoping to find some of my old friends/guild mates.

Bnet: Rozen#1988
Server: Dunemaul
Guild: Bound By Carnage, Sons of Chunk, The Establishment
Faction: Horde
Character: Eyerony/Loveyu/Very 60 Mage.
Server: Detheroc
Guild: House of Wrath, Buck n Uber
Faction: Horde
Character: Sneakless, 60 rogue

I was a teenager and played on my Dad's account at the time. I don't remember his info unfortunately.
Server: Bronzebeard
Faction: Horde
Class: Rogue
Guild: Thorns of the Black Rose
Name: Dixiethedead (Dixie after the GM made me change my name) :)
Server: Aman'Thul
Guild: Warmachine
Player: Boneclinkz/Blesed
Darrowmere - Retribution - Goru - Gamefreak#1946
Server - Nathrizem
Guild - AFO -( All for One)
Toon - Hunter- TheChronic/Rvsh/ Rush

Server - Scarlet Crusade
Guild - IIMKI or Reborn
Toons - SP and Hunter - Rvsh/Rush
Server: Arthas
Faction: Alliance
Guild: Reflection
Character: Julianbloom
Real ID for contact: JTB4488#1642
Server BloodHoof/Eitrigg

Knights of Freedom - Bloodhoof Only
MUSA - Bloodhoof & Eitrigg

Faction Alliance
Character - Muira

RealID Streme1138#1596