Guildies buying gold/arcanite bar preparing for the legendary

Darn, I didn’t want to spend hours farming gold, but I knew I had to if I wanted to be able to afford the items I desired.

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I mean honestly. The less legendarys the better. Seeing 30 people with HoR and TF standing in front of Org mb is lame


The amount of glaives I seen running around in Org during TBC classic was laughable.

Oh good some more gdkp spam to report


It has been my experience that when a legendary drops your guild rallies behind you and handles the expenses. Either other players chipping in materials or the guild bank financing.

Pretty tough if your guild tells you your on your own.

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good news, 3 more maps open up for the average miner to farm arcanite crystals, Silithus , Eastern Plague and Winterspring, the market should flood with these and prices should drop quite a bit.

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Gold is easy to farm. The issue is people have more money than brains and dont want to learn how to do it

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Just because Gold is easy to farm doesn’t mean things are cheaper. Markets scale and inflation occurs.

It’s truly remarkable how well incursions showcased the effects of raw gold farms.

is out on a gathering alt hitting RTVs until he gets a crystal every 2 days and mailing it to a alchemy alt to use the Xmute CD

Not sorry you can’t make gold selling BoP items to RMT gold buyers and incursion bots…(And there’s NO excuse not to farm, the game is so dead being in the P4 waiting room that there’s not even much gold farmer competition…)

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Racist much?

you see if you hand those things out for free the problem would actually sort itself out as all those users would just die and no longer be users

As a guild we have farmed hundreds of bars…stop it

Lol you think people buy tokens in cataclysm classic? You gotta be denser than a pound cake.

Average classic enjoyer in a nutshell.

Everyone buys gold friend. What even is this post?

I’ll make a post soon, and it’s going to be titled: “I took a poop because I had to poop”

Idk if they are afking or what, but consumes do not cost that much to obtain for 1 reset.

oh okay so they only know now that they need / want arcanite bars. its not like you could have bought a bar or 2 every day since p3 is out with easy made incursion gold when prices were low.

Your friends dont play the game, they just want to feel superior and thats why they also dont care about a ban. They have nothing to show nor to lose. Thats what we call losers.


Excuse me ma’am this is a Wendy’s?
See at the top? - Forums > WoW Classic > Season of Discovery

Good job! I knew you could do it!