Guildies buying gold/arcanite bar preparing for the legendary

They can’t afford the mats because they can’t earn gold from GDKP runs. They don’t want to spend many hours doing inscursions.
We talked in Discord and they said they would not buy gold/arcanite bar if they can get from from GDKP runs. They could get a few arcanite bars each run with their multiple alts. It was their first times buying gold and they know buying gold/arcanite bar could lead to a suspension. They said they have to.
By the way, the arcanite bar is 100-150 g in most of the server. No one would believe the price would inflate to 250 or 300 g if GDKP exists. So don’t say it is impossible for them to afford legendary by attending GDKP runs.

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We don’t want to earn gold the honest way, we would rather buy it, or take it from someone else who did.


Make a group and run Incursions?


It’s really that high now? I guess I’ll log in and check when I get home. Think they were 50-75g last time I was online before my guilds stopped raiding. Yeah if prices have gotten that high I’d imagine they will only go higher once p4 goes live and more people start wanting to try and make the legendries. I’ll probably give up on my warrior and just stick to my resto shaman if that’s the case.

just want to say you can abuse incursions till they change them to make gold.

its quite alot of gold each loop.

You can never trust these GDKP threads. Most of them are made by RMT people trying to push their business into SoD.


soooo farm them?


do you guys remember the narrative that no one would buy gold after gdkp was banned because there’d be “nothing to spend it on” ? such great times


Yes, the only version of WoW with no token.
GDKP ban has them losing their ever-loving minds.


Yea, let’s make every drug totally legal too. We can’t stop 100% of drug use so we should just let people sell mth and fentanyl on every street corner. It’ll be great for our community.


Phase 4 prices will skyrocket for every mat for the first few weeks because people are sitting on hoards of gold from incursions, etc.

If you don’t have gold now, you need to farm for the mats that are in demand or will be. I love the start of phases. It’s a giant gold rush with lots of opportunity. Hell you can even do nothing and flip raid consumes during raid peaks.


So because people are too lazy to farm gold or do incursions you’re gonna BUY gold because you Can’t do GDKPs ??

How about farm the mats or incursions instead of gdkps you lieing lazy rmter.


would it be akin to blizzard banning a loot system to combat gold selling perhaps

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Oh look. More GDKP spam.


My fren need geer, plz let heem buy goald

-random gdkp supporter


Oh no that sucks, guess you’ll just have to play the game instead.


It’s closer to having a casino. For most communities the tradeoff isn’t worth it.

Your car analogy is dumb. It would be akin to blizzard making everyone solo self found with no trading and no AH in order to combat gold selling.

Gdkp is a degenerate behavior that facilitates gold laundering and has negative tertiary effects on the culture of the community. Much like how a drug dealer or casino effects the surrounding neighborhood.


To be fair, any seasoned player should also be able to tell you that GDKP was healthy for the game for a variety of reasons

RMT wasn’t the only thing to enjoy GDKP; it’s just the thing that stuck around and got worse after the bans

You’re looking at it at face value in which drugs and gdkps aren’t the same… but he more talking about the core concept … which you lack to understand

Hence why he put an extreme example in hopes you can apply it to real life


Report and move on