Guildies buying gold/arcanite bar preparing for the legendary

could you please clarify the name and server of this person(s) so we can mass report and remove the RMT cheater(s) from the game.

opportunity cost of doing other things instead of engaging in alternative legitimate farming methods isnt a valid excuse to RMT.


its not just legendaries that requires them, its also Crafted gear and some enchants and some quests(arcane crystals). so the demand is going to be pretty high.

this isnt a new concept, its literally the majority of all RMT, and its been happening since the start of wow… people needing gold for mounts, for crafted gear, ect.

Ive had guildies RMT for consumes each week as they dont have the time to go out and farm for multiple hours a week.

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Incursions do the abusing

With the 150% xp boost it’s stupidly easy to level an alt to 41 and use it to transmute arcanite bars.

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Bro, RMT is a solved problem, remember? Blizz took care of business in phase 1.

But seriously, this is not surprising and I predicted it in January.


It wasn’t their first time, stop lying. Hope they catch the ban hammer though.


Seeing how horrendous the economy is and the stubbornness by Blizzard on their decision to remove GDKPs, you have to assume none of them took an economics class.

Simple question. When someone makes a bot with the intention to farm gold would they rather A) Join a GDKP or B) Farm Raw Currency that requires no Trade or Market, i.e. vendor items/junk. Add in that B has a chance of also acquiring high valued BoEs with no capital prerequisite.


Pro GDKP-- check
English as a 2nd language-- check

Probability OP is involved in RMT-- Astronomical


Anti gdkp – check
Allows personal bias to overtake logic – check

Odds of breaking through to them: 0


This you?

I can see why you are upset at players having more agency in the groups they choose to participate in.


Wait, so your genius idea to try and get GDKP back is to let Blizzard know in their forums that your friend/guild does gold buying because they’re to lazy to play the game properly?

That’s your genius idea?


It’s over friend

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It’s wild what people will do to avoid playing the video game.

I can’t fathom playing something I disliked that much, let alone spend even more money on it.


I’m upset?

Honey I’m not the one making pro-gdkp threads months after blizzard banned it.

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I love watching these pro-GDKP lose their marbles every thread.


You wanna get legendary? Then you gotta get legend worthy, noob. :wink:
Get to farming.


I have no skin in the game as I rarely did any GDKP’s but banning them honestly doesn’t accomplish anything really.

-Bots are still going to run 24/7 pumping gold into the game
-Gold-buyers are going to still buy tons of gold, instead of spending it in GDKP’s they will use it to boost alts, buy up mats, consumes, setup profession CD alts, etc.
-Prices are still going to inflate because so many people are still going to buy tons of gold

The only thing banning GDKP did was remove a way for non-RMT players to relieve RMTer’s of their ill-gotten gold.

People will be running double the amount of MC’s in P4 since they require 20 people per lockout instead of 40, so double the amount of legendaries requiring materials, on top of legendaries being more viable on multiple classes and specs. Yet resources will remain the same in terms of availability.

The demand for Arcanite Bars is going to vastly outpace the supply. Gold buying will be as big as it was when GDKP’s were still permitted.


You certainly have a reason to ensure they don’t come back.

I’m still having ‘fun’ and enjoying the game to the extent that I want, GDKPs or not. They do add value to the game, except those that require arbitrary constraints to be included in group content.

You mean I have to work for my legendary??? that’s bs