Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

I can say statements too.

It’s a scam. See.

We both have an opinion. You want me to change mine of you, change who you are. Otherwise, I believe you are a scammer.

I certainly don’t look for people to be my friends, who would intentionally look for ways I might have a human error to capitalize on it.

Then there should be no problem simply letting us sort the AH by buyout price instead of bid.

You’re going to have to define ‘what it’s worth’ if I’m to agree in part that any immoral actions are happening here. You’re assuming an ‘ought to’ here that appears to say “you must sell things for their proper value, otherwise you’re looking to harm others” which is a very big leap.

Define value and how we arrive at that value.

This doesn’t follow. I don’t have to accept your conclusion that the person is shady, especially when the implied moral duty needs serious refinement. I also begin with the assumption that no one is doing anything wrong until otherwise shown, so no.

The value would be the actual lowest minimum bid on the AH, which is what the buyer thinks they are buying the item form.

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I never said that was a bad idea. In fact it would work a lot like the auction apps many people use.

I think I even said I’m this thread that it was a good idea and should have been in game from the word go.

That’s stupid. The defined assumed value is never the “least” someone would pay, usually it is the average reasonable price the average person is willing to pay.

That is set by actual purchases.

Sure but there is very small variance between lowest and average price for common items that people try to pull this scam with.


…how does that follow at all?

You are purchasing an item based on BUYOUT, not BID, so how is value even related to minimum bid in the first place? Further bids are fluid until you hit the buyout price (assuming one exists), so value is entirely in flux and contingent upon any number of random bidders.

Second, if value is entirely what minimum bid says it is, which is entirely generated by the seller, then value is literally grounded in whatever the seller says it is.

In short, value is undefined.


Okay, here’s how it’s immoral.

It is done so in a fashion where they are selling their product, not only at a higher value, but because they are doing so in a way the human error could result in the purchase of their higher value item. Millions of transactions are going to happen on the AH, to believe each player is never going to make a mistake when clicking to purchase an item, well that’s just far fetched to say the least.

Now how they are doing it, is by trying to replicate a similar look of numbers to the standard purchase price on the AH, but that’s exactly how human error happens, “I thought I saw 9, and not 900.” “I coulda swore I clicked the one above that.” These are things you might hear from someone who makes that mistake. It is all a buyer beware type of deal, we all know that. But what are we having to be aware of? That’s the question.

The answer is, people, people are going to take advantage of you, so beware of what you purchase. Mistakes will happen, lessons will be learned, nothing to change, nothing to fix, just there are jerks out there, that will try and make a quick buck on you if you aren’t paying full attention, mislead you with whatever method they can for you to make this mistake.

To end it all, I started this off by calling another person on the forums shady for doing this. I can have my opinion and declared why I believe it is shady, after being asked why I thought so. Then I got a rebuttle on my opinion, saying it’s wrong. I haven’t heard anything to show me otherwise. I’m not trying to prove to you that it is shady, I know it’s shady. I don’t need to prove my opinion or belief, I just know what I feel, and that’s that. If that guy or you want to tell me otherwise, well prove it.

I should have said minimum buyout not minimum bid.

The AH sorts buy bid instead of buyout.

People who are buying by buyout don’t care about minimum bid as they aren’t going to use that value anyways. The scam is that people abuse the sort order so their items, on a value the buyer doesn’t care about in the first place, appears at a quick glance to be the cheapest.


The OP and those crying “scam” are probably the same people who take out credit cards and then complain that no one told them had to pay it back.

Not necessarily.

I’ve seen UI delays and AH server errors that have caused buy mistakes.

I’m hoping it happens to both of you…

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This is saying that up selling is immoral. If I price an item higher in the hopes someone buys it, I’m being immoral. This doesn’t follow at all, especially since “higher” is relative to what exactly? Everyone else? So it is entirely subjective? That makes for poor morals.

So this isn’t about value, it is about perception? This is a different argument which says ‘if your attempted sale can be confused for something it isn’t then it is an immoral act’ which is… umm… that’s not a good argument at all.

I’ve poked holes in your logic. I don’t find amoral (not to be confused with immoral) behavior to be shady, by definition. Unless you can establish some kind of moral ‘ought’ for me to test, there’s no duty to violate and no shadiness can occur.


Yes, a UI matter that is consistent for everyone if we don’t count addons.

This doesn’t follow as a “scam” since you’re sorting by bids, not buyouts, and that’s clearly marked as such. This is why you’ll get “out of order” buyout prices as people slap things up for the same minimum bid, but manually put up their own buyout (which isn’t the same as others), and you get variations in price all mixed in. I’m not even talking about BIG variations either, sometimes the buyouts will be within a few silver of each other, but they won’t be in order.

So if a known sorting function doesn’t sort how you want and consistently shows buyout prices in an unsorted manner… where is the scam?

Neither of these are scams nor do they change the fact that you see a confirmation window for the BUYOUT you selected.


And I believe he’s super shady.

Edit: You go make friends with these types of people.

Are you slow?

If it’s an error that causes an error, it doesn’t matter what the confirmation window says.

That’s the point.

Thanks for the Kindergarten level Interface Design class though…

And I’m not saying the AH errors are a scam (clearly you haven’t followed the thread). I’m saying they could cause someone to purchase a scam item by mistake.

It’s rare, it’s not supposed to happen, but it happens. You can’t say it’s 100% error free and its always 100% on the buyer.

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Oh okay.

So you regularly have UI errors that display the wrong price when you hit the buyout button? Sounds like you need to stop downloading addons that break your information.

So fix your UI.

And overpriced goods aren’t a scam.

Teapot arguments are juvenile and lame.

Red bull gives you wings.

People believe others want to buy that nether weave cloth for 900 gold instead of 9 gold. It’s not an accident because you have to accept it. :slight_smile:

But it is a scam as the scammer has tricked someone into buying something for far more than they thought they would pay. Is it easy to spot? Sure. Is it against the ToS? No. Is it a scam? Definitely.

And noone is complaining about buyouts being a few silver or gold different.


Just saying.

Hope it happens to you…