Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

people denying this is a scam cannot and will not come up with a legitimate reason why someone would list 1 runecloth for 999g.

I’ve mistyped auctions in the past and am too lazy to cancel, lose my deposit and run back to repost. Totally a mistake on my part and not trying to gouge people, but it has happened.

Explain where in the AH you must have “legitimate” reasons for listing any item, at any price, at any designated time limit?

PS - You don’t, which is why no one has to explain to you why they do anything on the AH. It is unregulated, you know it is unregulated, but you want to call it is scam as if there are rules that “ought” to be in place.

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ok now explain why someone would do that repeatedly and consistently.

Because they feel the effort they put into gathering an item is worth that.

btw, way to move the goal post.


It is a non-starter question. Unless the AH requires justifications for pricing and listing items, there is no reason a seller must justify any of their actions regarding the AH. All behavior on the AH is bound by the rules of the AH, and our AH is very very unbounded.

The same rules that let people get “steals” for items listed “too low” also let people get “scammed” for buying items listed “too high” and the only “solution” is to restrict how/why we list things on the AH.

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but why is one of his runecloths worth 999g while all his others are only worth 18 silver? is that one runecloth really special in some way?

I can’t fathom why someone else would do that, nor can I fathom why someone would buy a single runecloth for 999g when it is clearly posted in the middle of their screen.

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I don’t understand what any of this means. Except that you’re clearly arguing in bad faith if you’re suggesting people are putting up 1c bid, 3000g buyouts because they think that’s a legitimate price for the item.

No… I’m not. Those are both real but different things.

No… thats not at all what you said. You said

And since you’ve managed to bog the thread down entirely with your lawyer cosplay, it was a pretty reasonable assumption.

BUT YOU CAN THOUGH. Its entirely fathomable that someone would do that WITH THE INTENT TO TRICK SOMEONE INTO BUYING THE ITEM resulting in a hefty profit. To suggest otherwise is so clearly disingenuous.

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like I said:

Fine, I didn’t want to be mean but was eluding to it, only an idiot would buy runecloth for 999g.

Excellent point.
Only an idiot would buy at that price deliberately. Which means the seller is either counting on there being a large number of people out there who doing the unfathomable OR they’re listing the item with the intent to deceive.

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That is a mean thing to say about OP’s friend.

why are all the AH sellers doing this on unguilded alts? I understand having a bank alt, but they seem to place special importance on remaining anonymous.

Really gets the ol’ noggin joggin.

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keep it up. your disingenuousness is obvious for all to see.


It’s not a scam. I’m sorry but if your guildy was too stupid or rushed to not pay attention that’s their fault. Bet they won’t make that mistake again.

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iF yOu FaLl fOr A sCaM tHaT mEaNs iTs NoT a ScAm

Do you think you were scammed when a product goes on sale two weeks after you buy it?