Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

the people defending this…


Seems like this person doesn’t pay very much attention; anyways, I’d like to talk to you about your car’s extended warranty.


If they didn’t fall for it, nobody would be doing it in the first place.

It’s the reason spam exists and telemarketers exist. It’s because it works.


**Hey I’m selling this apple at Auction for $1 starting bid, or a buyout of $1000. **

**Lagspike: Okay I’ll take the buyout for $1000! **

Pearagon: Are you sure?

Lagspike: Yes, I am sure.

Lagspike: Omg you are so dishonest, you scammer!


Definitely sucks, but AH addon makes this essentially impossible to happen. Reading the posted buyout price goes a long way as well.

The seller intentionally set it at that price to “scam” someone into buying it. I don’t know how you don’t think it’s a scam.


It’s actually an American thing. In the US, you can’t even start a small business today without buying several credit cards first. It’s why a lot of companies are forced to take loans from foreign banks.

In Europe, a lot of these kinds of practices are outlawed.

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Yes those are misleading and don’t say their intentions. Something posted for 2500g very clearly shows it’s over priced. There is no hidden message.


Lmao lol I always see the insane prices and laugh and laugh and always think why just throw your money away posting that and paying listing fee AND NOW WE KNOW.
A fool and his money is soon parted


This, this, and more, this.

Virtually impossible to fall for this when you have an add on like auctioneer.

Because it’s not.

The buyer can clearly see what it cost and they paid for it.

Admittedly I don’t go into the AH and start pressing random buttons, hoping for the best. I actually look at what I’m buying, so I get the cheapest one for the stack that I need.


And it’s a shame she didn’t pay attention. I’m sorry your friend lost the gold, but lesson learned.


Its not a scam. Assuming your friend isnt blind she should have been able to see the clearly labeled 2500 buyout. The guy selling thought to himself my healing potions are worth 2500g at buyout price so put it at said price. No scam was done your friends just dumb.


Can’t stress this enough. It’s such common knowledge that the default AH UI is bad. Really, extremely bad. Any AH addon is an absolute must have and thank goodness for their effectiveness.


Correct, any consumer driven market thrives on the pretense that an item only has the value of what someone is willing to pay. If she hit “Buyout” then she agreed that it was worth it at that price. Whether it was through negligence on her part or not not she paid the price asked.


Not a scam seller decided to sell potions for 2500g where its CLEARLY marked at said price. Unless her friend is blind its pretty easy to take a look at the buyout price.


“Under section 37B of the contract signed by him, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained, et cetera, et cetera. Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum, et cetera, et cetera. Memo bis punitor delicatum!”

“It’s all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You stole fizzy lifting drinks! You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!”


What was dishonest? He didnt lie to her the price is CLEARLY visible. Is it scummy 100% but its not a scam.


Well Im certainly not going to defend her stupidity


Scam: a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation.

Nothing in this definition says anything about it needing to be hidden.