I’m having the same issue as well. I transferred realms 2 days ago and then joined my new guild yesterday. Haven’t been able to view anything guild related since then.
Logged in this morning, no guild UI.
Tried /reload, restarting the game entirely, deleting my WTF, Cache, and Addon folders… nothing.
Tried restarting my computer, hard powering it off…
come on blizz I’ve got inactives to kick before I can start recruiting this morning, and I gotta do that before I can finish TW, which has to be done before weekly torghast. I’ve got things to do and your UI has caused it all to come to a grinding halt.
Several guild members are reporting the same situation in discord
Edit: scan and repair just finished and told me no repair was necessary
I have this exact issue.
Jopined today, everything fine for an hour. logged out. logged in and I’m greeted wiht no guild chat and the guild button (showing the guild banner) gives me the guild finder button.
Those with guid UI see me like normal.
I am having this exact same issue on just one character, my druid. All other characters seem fine. I guess its only happening to those who recently joined a guild?
I can say no to that. I’m the gm, and have been since I created the guild in 2008.
Logged in this morning and can’t see anything as well. No chat, can’t access the guild UI. I’m the GM. Not good.
It was working for me not long ago, then I logged out, and logged back in a few minutes later and boom
Things are broken
Note: This was on a different character though
Looks they have taken offline and are fixing it. All my toons are having the issue as well as guildies. And they have taken the link for the toolbar across the bottom offline.
Does this include that chat doesn’t open up or typing in chat doesn’t work? My “J” key works fine when typing, but in game doesn’t show up my guild info, and say when I try to type “/guild Good morning.” Its like it never fully sends or delivers if that makes sense! Hope I’m in the right place!
As of today this has spread to other toons of mine where i can not open my guild tab or even see guild chat and some of these toons have been in the same guild since BC
I have submitted a Support ticket for this issue, but I am being told that it is not a bug in my ticket. I am finding numerous Blizzard Support on the forums stating it is a bug, but in my ticket I am getting the run-around. Can I please understand what is going on? This is very frustrating, and hugely negatively impacting my ability to communicate with my guildmates and/or sign up for things on the guild calendar, as that does not show up either with this issue.
This is happening with all my channels, not just guild. Channels 2, 3 and 1 are all affected in certain areas.
It is a known issue that they’ve said they’re working on fixing asap. I’m not sure what else it is you’re looking for.
What I am highlighting is that the forums support are stating it is a known issue, but in my personal ticket that I logged they are stating that it is not a known issue and an isolated issue with just me.
Ah - in that case I might assume that the GM who responded just wasn’t aware of the issue yet, or somehow some wires got crossed in what they were trying to tell you. But it’s stated right here in this thread that your issue is known so I wouldn’t really worry about it. If they announce that the issue is fixed and you are still having problems I would submit a ticket at that point.
Add me to the list. Joined a new guild and can’t read or chat with them. If I gquit and rejoin I can chat until I log off/back on but that isn’t sustainable.
Same issue joined a new guild and now im not able to see the guild chat, roster, basically deleted but im still in it.
Same, my Warrior who is in same guild fine, but hunter who I made my main cant. deleted character and recovered, nothing. Left guild and rejoined, worked but once logged out for a few hours issue came back, since I’m not only one, I’m sure it’ll get fixed in time.