Guild UI Issue: Crown Missing from GM, Cannot Access Recruitment Panel

It seems I was mistaken Kalviery.

The issue has returned as of today so I’m going to have to reopen the ticket. Additionally seems someone else is experiencing Guild UI issues. I have done the WTF/Interface/etc. Rename, and it did not work at all.

Although though me and a friend were able to invite a few of my alts to said guild, so it wasn’t just this character specifically; the Crown signifying that I am the GM of the Shadowmaw Tribe keeps vanishing and reattaching to prior guild-members. Not sure why that is but given the background and troubles I’ve dealt with since July 2019, it’s become par for the course.

It appears as of right now that I am also unable to access the Guild recruitment function.

(Please see my hidden text with < > for further details / Context)